New start - sorry for not uploading:(

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Hey lovelies, some of you may have seen that I haven't added a part in a long time, but I'll try to upload something again. I do not know where  I stopped a while back so I will start it again, but with some angst for u all. Don't worry it will turn spicy soon enough.

My eyes started opening slightly, "uuughh". My head hurts and it doesn't feel like I can move fully. With my eyes still closed I try to lift my leg. It made a sound, it sounded like iron rattling. The sound made me feel weird, it felt bad, so I opened my eyes softly. My head protested with it, but I did not care, I tried to move it and look down at my legs. My head moved slowly, letting me know that it did not like this movement at all. I looked down and the first thing I felt was shivers, hard, cold shivers from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I was shackled. Shackled to the bed. And it was not just my legs. I tried to move my arms, and I soon realized those were stuck too. What in the world. Panic, panic, panic. It was the only thing I could think of. "Make a sound", my head said, but my mouth did not respond. "COME ON, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT", it kept screaming, but my body did not obey, it felt numb. This went on for what felt like hours, a constant war with my head and my body. I felt my mouth being dry and my legs hurting from the lack of movement. I was completely focused on stopping the voices, the noices, until I heard another noice, that did not seemed to come from inside my head.

He walked in, Dabi, looking smug as ever. I could not comprehend what was happening, when I finally got some sound out of my mouth, sounding harsh because of the dryness in my throat, "What is going on?". He did not respond, he merely stood at the entrance of the room, which was much bigger than my apartment all together. "Dabi, please take these off, please tell me what is going on." "Oh puppy", he said whilst slowly starting to move towards me. "You really don't remember? Aw, poor little puppy.", he kept going, coming closer and closer with every step. He looked like he wanted to keep his distance, but he still came closer. I remembered nothing from how I ended up here, or what happened before I woke up. It terrified me, Dabi terrified me. It wasn't until he came closer, that he put a hand on me. He put his hand on my chin and squeezed it. This did not feel like the love and possesion he had shown in our earlier nights, this seemed like pure madness. "Dabi, you're scaring me, stop." He just took a step closer and took off his jacket. He put his jacket on the chair 3 feet away from him. "You have been bad, a bad little girl." Normally this would have given me butterflies, it would have excited me, but right now it just terrified me. "Dabi, no, what no, get away", I yelled, my voice slowly regain it's power. He bowed over me, slowly pushing his weight onto me, "Oh, but no, bad girls must be punished, disciplined." I tried to hold back my tears, this was not just about to happen. I felt him move further, trying to move my shirt up when the tears started coming up. "DABI, NO, I SAID NO, RED RED RED, PLEASE JUST STOP." I felt him freeze, his whole body stilled above me and I could see his face realizing that all the fear that I showed was real.

"Oh my god, baby I'm so sorry." He moved back slightly and I heard some rattling above my hands, and then a click. My hands shot down and almost fell on my head. "I am so sorry, I did not know." He kept apologizing and undoing the shackles. My tears kept going, and he layed down next to me. Even though I felt relief, I still felt betrayed by the man who had almost gone to far, who almost did not listen. "I was mad baby, I was mad because you left." I breathed in, naturally I smelled him, his scent. And the moment I did that memories came flooding back. Before all when black, I remember talking to Dabi, I seems like we were arguing, uh well we were, it ended a bit different. That morning I got called in for work, "f*ck, that must have been why I left", I thought. But that did not give him a reason to basically harass me. My tears continued as my head did not stop pounding. "Dabi, why does my head hurt so much?" His breathing slowed a little bit more, like it was caught in his throat. "I hit you in the head when you walked to your car." I could not belief this, this mother f*cker. "You did WHAT", I now screamed. "I hit you in the head", he responded, now more quietly. I turned around despite feeling now dizzier then ever, and sat on top of him. I punched him, then slapped him, taking all my anger out on him, because it was what he deserved and he just let me. "YOU B*TCH, WHY DID YOU DO THAT. I LEFT FOR F*CKING WORK. YOU JUST KIDNAPPED ME FOR NOTHING", getting that out with my last breath, I turned quiet and got off of him. Standing up, not giving him one single glance, I walked towards the door and headed out.

Dabi x y/n spicey ;)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang