. chapter 1 .

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DISCLAIMER: this is completely a work of fiction and  is not meant to reflect real life events. any similarities between this story and others are merely coincidence.

Kim Taeryoung swung her school bag over her shoulder as she stuffed the last bite of her breakfast into her mouth. She hastily pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time: 7:37 am.

The brown-haired girl pulled the front door open as she shouted over her shoulder, "I'm going to school!" She hopped down the steps of her front porch and practically sprinted down the street. It was a miracle she didn't trip.

Somehow, she managed to make it to Hanyuk High School by 7:45. Her breath was still quick from having run all the way from her residence when she spotted a tall-ish girl with dyed blonde hair sitting on a bench and fixing her makeup in a small hand-held mirror.

"Choi Hyejin!" Taeryoung made her through a loose crowd of students towards her friend. As soon as she reached the bench, she collapsed down, allowing her legs to finally rest.

"Good morning, Taer," the girl chimed as she snapped the mirror she was holding shut. She glanced at Taeryoung who was biting her bottom while still breathing heavily. "Ran here again?"

Taeryoung nodded and sighed. "At this point you should just tell him you aren't interested, Taer," Hyejin said as she leaned forward to look at her friend's face. "You know I can't do that," Taeryoung sighed as she leaned back to lay down on the bench.

At that moment, both girls inhaled sharply, seeing a tall male heading towards them. Kim Kyojun, a third year student and Taeryoung's biggest admirer.

Kim Taeryoung was not at all new to confessions and admirers. Despite only being a second year, her kind personality and refreshing visuals had earned her the nickname of "boy magnet" among her close friends. Usually, Taeryoung could easily speak up for herself if she wasn't interested in somebody, but Kyojun was a different case.

The two had known each other since before they could talk and had practically grown up side by side. However that had only made things more awkward when rumors began to spread that Kyojun had feelings for the girl. She didn't want to hurt him, but at the same time, she only saw him as a friend.

The rumors had started over a month ago, but Taeryoung and her friends had brushed them off as just being speculation, like the majority of the other rumors produced by Hanyuk students. However, the week prior, Kyojun had begun to act strangely towards the girl. Doing things such as holding her things or buying her snacks for no reason. Things that he had never done before.

Thankfully, before the situation got too awkward, the warning bell sounded, alerting the students it was time to make their way to their homeroom classes.


Park Sunghoon, another second year student at Hanyuk, made his way to his way down the hallway after classes had finished. He walked past a few first-year classrooms, peering inside each as he walked along, hoping she wasn't there. The tall male was about to turn the corner when suddenly,

"Park Sunghoon!" a slim girl with shiny black hair and dark-brown eyes called, causing the male to freeze. "It's me! Jiyun!" The girl's heart pounded faster in her chest just seeing her idol's face.

She ran up to the male and grabbed his hand, making him flinch. "Oppa-" "I'm not your 'oppa'" Sunghoon replied coldly. He tried to pull his hand away, but her grip was surprisingly strong.

"Oppa," she repeated, "How come you didn't message last night? I was worried you were upset with m-"

"Let go of my hand." Sunghoon forcefully shook her off and began to walk away. "Sunghoon Oppa!" she called after him with a twinge of annoyance in her voice. Who was he to treat her this way?

Sunghoon clenched his jaw as he ignored her shouts behind him. She was insane.

The male glanced over his shoulder, making sure Jiyun hadn't followed him. He sighed in relief as the hall behind him was empty. Finally, he stopped in front of his locker.

He stepped back when he opened it, watching as a stack of letters slid out. He picked them up and stuffed them into a trash bin near by. He knew he was attractive but some of his admirers were taking it too far. Some had even gone as far as leaving gifts at his parents' workplaces.

There had to be some way to get rid of them all, right? Think, Sunghoon. Think.

At that moment, Kim Taeryoung strolled into the hallway with her headphones in. Sunghoon recognized her. They had been in the same class last year. Kim Taeryoung was it? He remembered what Jay, his best friend, had said about her just a few days ago. Something about how she had Kim Kyojun head over heels for her, but she herself was avoiding him.

He observed her as she casually walked past him, not batting an eyelash. He had to think fast or else the opportunity that had just presented itself would pass before he could act. He took a deep breath.

"Excuse me?"

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