. chapter 17 .

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"Oh, wouldn't you like to know," the male pretended to sympathetically nod at the girl next to him. The girl just pouted and stood to turn off the lights, simultaneously pressing a button on the TV remote, playing the episode she had left off on.

The truth was, Park Sunghoon had never been in a serious relationship before, nor had he wanted to be in one. Before, he had been too focused on skating to fall in love and now, well, it was complicated.

As the two finished their meals and watched the drama play out on the big TV before them, the male found his eyes wandering to Taeryoung. 

Even with puffy eyes and a red nose, he couldn't deny that she was still as pretty as ever. Her makeup-less face reminded him of that night on the school trip, and the male felt a warm blush coming to his cheeks.

Her eyelashes were long and delicate, and her eyes, despite being a dark brown color, reminded him of stars. Her nose and eyebrows perfectly complemented her small face, as they only accentuated the beauty of her other features. Her hair was messy but calm, and a few strands fell in front of her ears, framing her face. 

The male felt his eyes shift down to her lips. He licked his own, remembering when they had met previously. The light from the screen illuminated them, and the male felt himself drawing closer to her. He felt a sudden wave of confidence rush through him and he reached for her hand. He knew she was sick and skinship wasn't a good idea, but to be honest, he didn't care.

Kim Taeryoung froze feeling the male's hand brushing hers. She glued her eyes to the TV screen, trying not to make eye contact with him as she knew she would turn into a flustered mess if she did. She could feel his eyes focused on her and only her. She could feel his breath on her shoulder, making the hairs on the back of her neck perk up.

Finally, she somehow found her words and managed to whisper, "Hoon?" The male's felt his heart flip hearing her use a nickname for him. He liked it.

"Taer?" he replied with a raspy whisper. The girl felt her heart beat rapidly hearing him call her by that name. There were a million questions she wanted to ask him, but she couldn't seem to speak as a nervous lump formed in her throat. How was he able to switch from cute and playful to this in a fraction of a second? 

The girl couldn't tell if he was getting closer to her or if she was imagining things, but she could feel his breath hastening. "I'm sorry," the male whispered softly.

Suddenly, she felt his lips make contact with the side of her neck and she held her breath. Time seemed to stop for a moment as she could feel the warmth of his soft lips on her. She squeezed his hand as she felt herself fall sideways onto her back.

The girl was forced to take her eyes off of the screen as she stared into the pair of brown eyes belonging to the male who was leaning over her, pinning her to the floor. He had one hand holding hers and the other by her head, supporting his body's weight as he looked down at her.

His thick, dark brows furrowed slightly and he bit the inside of his lip, making his dimples appear ever so slightly. The male watched as the female's ears flushed red and her lips slightly parted allowing her breath to escape. The male spoke softly, not breaking eye contact with the girl. 

"Taer, I think I-"

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