. chapter 12 .

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Park Sunghoon wandered aimlessly around the museum for a bit before sitting on a bench to rest. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a short girl and a tall boy holding hands. It was obvious that the two were a couple.

The male found himself cringing at their lovey-dovey nicknames as he unfolded a map of the museum he had received when the students had arrived. He traced along the walkways with his pointer finger, trying to find the way to get to an exhibit that actually interested him.

As he stood up to leave the exhibit he was currently in, he spotted the couple again. kissing.

The male felt his face heat up as he replayed the events of the previous night in his mind. He bit his lip, remembering the sensation he had felt when his lips had met Kim Taeryoung's, and his heart began to rapidly pound inside his chest again.

Then he remembered how she had acted the entire morning. How she hadn't said a word to him except for to tell him she was going off with her friends and how she had sat the entire bus ride there facing out the window and avoiding eye contact. A thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Was she upset that he had kissed her? He remembered when they first met, establishing their relationship on one condition: no kissing. She had to know the messages were fake right?

That night he had thought she wanted that as much as he did, but what if he had misunderstood? What if his not being able to hold back had caused her to be mad at him? Or, even worse, made her hate him?

The male's heart dropped at this sudden thought. What if he had messed everything up just because he couldn't stop himself from kissing her?


Kim Taeryoung walked with Nayoung and Yoona down a flight of stairs, making their way to an exhibit which showed different instruments the people had used a long time ago to make music.

The girls then came across a plaque with an old folk tale carved into it. It was placed just in front of a half broken carved statue of two people embracing. The tale told the story of two lovers who had sworn their undying love for each other before jumping into the sea together.

As Yoona and Nayoung discussed how the story reminded them of a drama, Taeryoung was reminded of something else. Park Sunghoon.

The story on the plaque and the story of Taeryoung and her fake boyfriend seemingly didn't resemble each other in the slightest, but even the word 'love' was enough to bring him to mind. No, she couldn't be falling for him. Their relationship was all fake after all.

She felt her face turning a bright red as she recalled the events that had unfolded the night before. That had been her first kiss.

She had always thought her first kiss would be with the Romeo to her Juliet, but the way it had happened was not how she had expected it to happen at all. But strangely enough, she didn't feel any sort of regret or resentment. Even if it had happened with her fake boyfriend. However, she still couldn't help but feel embarrassed every time she saw his face.


Hyejin dragged Jay behind her as she walked through exhibit after exhibit, fascinated by every new thing she saw. The boy didn't mind though. At least it was better than wandering around on his own, right?

The two found themselves in another exhibit. This time, the room was large with a miniature model of an old village in the center of the room, placed in a glass display case.

"Jay come look at this!" The girl excitedly waved the male over and he reluctantly followed.

"Isn't this cool? It looks so much like the village we are staying in," she remarked in amazement.

The girl opened her mouth to say something more, but she was interrupted by another voice.

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