School Yay

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ᒍᗩᑎᗩᑌᖇY 24Tᕼ

I mutter a good morning to Mr. Aizawa, who was standing at the door of the classroom talking to another teacher. I step into the warm room. It was mostly empty. I take my old seat in class. Bean walks up to me. They lean down for hug. "Honestly, I'm glad your back." They say pulling away. "Todoroki hogged you all weekend."

"Oh you're warm." I take their hands and move our hands in a little rocking motion. "I can give you my notes for hero history." Bean offers. "I already have them." I say.

"Ok. I must have missed you during breakfast. Where were you?" "I got some breakfast at the Cafe down the street." Denki joins the conversation, "I've been there, it was really good." "Were you there this morning? I swear I saw you." I ask my hands never leaving Bean's. "Yeah. I was going to say something to you but you rushed out." I look up to try and remember this mornings events.

"Oh! I had forgotten my phone at the dorms." "Ah. How are you by the way?" Denki asks leaning on my desk. "Good. I'm trying to get my normal body back and fix my sleeping up." I smile. Bean sits in front of me. "Good good."

"Is it true they found your sister?" Denki whispers like he was afraid of someone hearing. "Yeah? Is it a secret or?" I ask confused. "Nope. I tried asking Grenade and he almost exploded me." "I'm stealing that." I say referring to the nickname. "Feel free. I'll leave you alone now." Denki waves and walks away.

"Beans are you functioning?" As Shoto walks by he gives me a forehead kiss, I tilt my head up at him and sweetly smile. "Yeah, Yeah. Imma ask Mr. Aizawa for some busy work, wanna come with?" Bean asks drumming their fingers on my desk. "No thanks I have a bit more work."

I pull out my computer and stare at the empty document, and essay on why I wanted to be a hero. I type, 'Because I want to. :)' and sigh to myself.

I close my computer and stare up at the ceiling. My head hits Katsuki's, who was suddenly sleeping on the desk behind me. He scoffs. "Fuck off extra." "Says the side-est character." I say. "Side character of the side character." I mutter using his head as a pillow. "What are you the main character?" "Of my life? Yes. Your life? still the main character." I say under my breath.

I close my eyes in comfrot. "Your tripping." "Are we supposed to keep Hazel a secret?" "I don't think so. Mom isn't." "Yeah. Who's making dinner?" I ask. "I don't associate myself with losers." "So you just don't know." "Yeah." He grunts. "Then... just say that." I say with a quiet laugh.

Katsuki pushes my head up. "Your head is so heavy." He complains. I turn around to face him. "I didn't ask for my head to be weighed noway." I say laying my head on his desk. "Kat-Kat." I say. "N/n." I smile, "Can you write my essay?" "" I roll my eyes and sit back up correctly.

"Morning class." Mr. Aizawa says standing at the front of the class. "Monsieur Aizawa, the outfit is giving." Aoyama says. Mr. Aizawa stares at Aoyama for second before speaking again.

"We're doing hero law review. The test is... Wednesday. I told this last week so don't try to say I sprung it on you. I'm looking at you Mr. Kaminari." Mr. Aizawa says as tired as ever. Though he did sound happier or atleast a little less tired.

"I'm sure you've all seen that Y/n is back." Mr. Aizawa jesters to me. "I thought you were dead." Uraraka laughs. I chuckle uncomfortably and glance at Katsuki. "The hell?" I mouth. Katsuki shruggs.

"Since my computer is deciding not to work, you can review with your friends until I fix it." Mr. Aizawa says, going to lay down. I sigh. "Old times." "Yeah yeah." I tap on Bean's shoulder. "What's up?" "Do you want to write my essay?" "I'll write it. If you give me some money." Bean says holding their hand out. I high-five them.

"Girl-" "How much?"
"Well 300 ish. I need to get my hair rebraided and my nails could use some treatmemt." Bean says. "I could do your nails for 20 bucks." Katsuki says. Bean does a questioning look at him. "...ok. 250 ish." "Fine." I mumble. "Shake on it." We do just that. Bean takes my computer and starts typing.

"Can I have a few raisins?" "What?" "Reasons." "Uh what were yours? I want to get some ideas." "Mine are embarrassing. So no. I'm make some shit up." Bean says, already almost halfway done.

I fidget with my fingers in boredom. "Y/n?" "Yeah." I wipe my hot hands on my navy skirt. I look up at the voice, it was Shoto. "What's wrong?" He asks with his hands in his pockets. "Huh? I'm fine." He feels my temples with his hand. "Are you sure? You're a bit... cold." He says taking my hands and cooling them down. "But your hands are so warm. Are you sick?" "I'll go to the nurse if it bothers you so much." I mumble. "Huh?" I repeat what I said. "No, if you say you're fine I'll believe you." Shoto says, kissing my knuckles.

"Ew. Stop being so lovey dovey in front of me. I don't wanna fucking see that." Katsuki says kicking my seat. "Stop it bruv. If I wanted a massage I would have asked." I respond. "Ugh, this is boring!" He yells. "Mr. Aizawa is being very kind letting us talk. You are being very disgraceful. Would you rather-" "Iida, please shut the hell up." Mina says.

I sigh. That feeling was coming back. The feeling like I was going to collapse and throw up. I press my hand to my temples. 'It's just a headache.' I try to convince myself. 'I took my medicine this morning so, it's not stupid poison. Maybe I'm thristy.' I take a few sips out of my water bottle.

"Everyone shut up." "Its time for math." Ectoplasm steps in and Mr. Aizawa steps out. "It's everyone's favorite topic, proofs!" Ectoplasm says. A collective groan is made when he says that.

"Well you guys are downers. Mr. Todoroki please go back to your seat." Shoto kisses the back of my hand again before leaving. I watch him as he stumbles back to his seat. "Did you trip him?" "Of course not." Katsuki says. "Alright liar." "We use proofs to prove triangles or shapes or angles."
Ectoplasm says. I force myself to pay attention.


I rub my hands together to create a small flame. I hide it from the cold wind. 'I should ask for a car. Katsuki has, like, three.' I think walking past 1-A dorms. "Are you going to the store?" Katsuki asks. I turn around. "I wasn't planning to. Want something?" "Nah. He wants to drive you." He points to Shoto who was dragging his feet behind him. "What?"

"You wanna drive Y/n to the store." Katsuki says facing him. "No I don't. Why would I want to- I mean I would drive you. If you want me to, but I thought you wouldn't like it because, like, you were gone and you're more quiet now-" He stops talking when I make a questioning face. 'Really out here outing me.' I extinguish the flame and walk into the dorms. "Dude." "Shut up." I close the door behind me.

Uraraka stops me before I go into the elevator. "By the way Y/n it's your turn to pick up groceries for the week." 'I literally just got here-' "Ok. Is there like a list?" "Yep on the fridge." I hum and step into the elevator. "Well now I have to go to the store." I grumble.

I plop on my bed. "Really don't wanna go anywhere." I whine. I inale deeply through my nose. "I could make cookies." I roll out of bed and grab a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. 'Skirt or no skirt? Mmmm no skirt.' I think dropping my skirt on the floor.

Something hits the wall and knocks down a few cups. "Y/n what the fuck?" Katsuki exclaims. I turn around and see him covering his eyes up against the wall. I laugh, "Could've knocked." "Noted. I do NOT wish to see you naked." Katsuki says.

"What do you want, turd?" "Round face put you at the top the grocery list- order- thingy." "I know." I say crossing my arms. "Are you going to do it?" "Yeah." I say rubbing his head and leaving my room.

"Wanna watch TV when you get back?" I gasp and smile, "Does my little brother wanna spend time with me?" I ask in a baby voice pulling on his cheeks. "You know what forget I asked!" Katsuki says pushing my face away. I wrap my arm arpund his shoulder and make him walk with me to elevator.

"When will I hear about your little girlfriend? Your boo-thang? Your honey bun? Your boo boo bear? Your-" "Shut up!" He yells. "Woah player no need to yell." I say raising my hands in defeat, and walk out the elevator.

Question of the day:
What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

𝐼𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑊𝑒 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟  *Hiatus!!!*Where stories live. Discover now