11. (W)hole

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Seonghwa (*via Yeosang)

Would you like to come visit
today? I am happy to drive if
the youngers are not free.

Hongjoong reads the message on his phone for the tenth time.

When they last spoke, two days back, Seonghwa decided to give the younger a little space- knowing he'd need time to think- but that resolution did not last long.
Seonghwa decided two days is enough.

Hongjoong, too, is missing the strange presence of the older. Without him, everything just seems... a little more dull, a little bit empty, which is unexpected, considering they've only known each other two months.

Perhaps, Hongjoong speaks to himself, seeing Seonghwa would be a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Why overthink it?

So, ever so slowly, Hongjoong texts back.

Moment after prolonged moment, Hongjoong concentrates to press the correct key. The letters on his phone are a mere quarter the size of his finger pad, something he hadn't noticed until moter ability started decreasing... and decreasing.

His relationships haven't been kept up well; not because he doesn't want to talk, but because texting is such a chore, and his voice can't hold out long, and he certainly cannot weild a pen.

Sure. The kids are free,
but I'd be great if you
want to drive

Hongjoong sighs; still a typo.

But he forgets about that when Seonghwa quickly responds.


"Are you sure you've thought this through?" Wooyoung asks an hour later.

"It's only for two hours," Mingi responds as he guides Hongjoong's limbs into his coat.

"I don't trust him." Wooyoung crosses his arms.


"Seonghwa," Wooyoung spits.

Mingi giggles at the level of drama. "I thought he was your Hyung," he teases.

"That was then, this is now."

"But seriously," Wooyoung breaks his stone face, "I can come with."

"Wooyoung I hate to break this to you but I kinda don't think he wants anyone along."

"Ya!" Hongjoong finally speaks.

"Why?" The youngest looks confused. Then after an eye-lock with Mingi, he realizes. Wooyoung is honestly kind of disappointed in himself; he's usually the first to notice such things.

"Wooyoung-ah," -Hongjoong speaks, officially settled into his cold weather gear- "I appreciate your concern, but it's literally two hours. Not much can happen."

"Fine," Wooyoung's voice is light, seemingly readying for an I told you so. "Just don't come back with a bunch of holes poked into you."

"Don't worry," Hongjoong replies with dark humor, "I'll save that for the surgeons in November."

"Hyung!" Mingi and Wooyoung groan. They don't exactly need a reminder of Hongjoong's upcoming procedure.

But he has no time to be scolded; in impeccable timing, Seonghwa raps upon the door.

Click, click, click, click: Hongjoong's toe-crushing machine is soon secured into the Kia. All car doors are shut to keep out the brisk air. This also leaves Hongjoong in unintentional isolation; he tries not to mind; his caregivers are people, too, yes, but they are also his hands and feet. An unfortunate balancing act of the terminally and chronically ill.

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