Chapter 38

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Mary's Pov

"It's not what it looks like Zayn." I try to reason with him.

"Its not what it looks like." He scoffs. "Mary your bruised up. Look at you Mary." He sighs out. "Come." He grabs a hold of my hand and begins to tug me towards my room.

"What are you doing?" I question him.

"Stay put I'll be right back." He leaves my room and moments later he comes back with a first aid kit. He sets it down and opens it up and looks through it until he gets a few cotton swabs and some anti bacterial wipes. "This might sting a bit." He warns. He opens up the anti bacterial wipes and gently cleans the scratches the small scratches on my face. I wince a little causing Zayn to stop for a moment. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just cold is all." I silently murmur. We both sit in silence as he tends to my wounds and he instructs me to place an ice pack over my bruised up eye and i do. I didn't realize i ached all over until i fully tried to move and I wince when i try to rotate my torso and gently glide my hands over the ache. "Does it hurt there?" Zayns asks and I nod my head. "Let me see." He gently rolls up my shirt and I carefully watch as he does. "Jesus christ, Mary. How can you let him do this to you." He touches the tender bruised up skin on my ribs.

"It wasn't him." I tell him.

"Then who was it?"

"Your lovely girlfriend or ex and her fucking cyclones." I sneer.

"Wait who?"

"Stacey, you know the most stuck up popular at school. The girl that used to rule at your side when you were still attending school."

"Stacey did this? To you?" He acts like if this is the most surprising thing ever, like if she could never be capable of this. Stacey and her friends had made my life hell at school since freshman year and still on going. "But why?"

"I've always been a target of hers since high school started. But you didn't now me back then so how could you have known." I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes.

"Well I am glad I broke up with her before the summer holiday." He chuckles and tries to make a light of things but I don't want to talk about Stacey anymore.

"Yeah." I murmur.

"Look I'm sorry for what Stacey did to you, I know its not going to make it okay but know that I do care." His soft caramel colored eyes look into mine and I can feel my heart beating fast like a little hummingbird.

"Thanks Zayn." He grabs a hold of my hand and rubs soothing circles with his thumb.

"Anytime." He gives me a small smile. A few more dabs and he finishes up. "Ill bring you some pain killers in case your still in pain."

"Okay." He gets up to leave and I am left alone in my room in utter silence. that's when I realize I haven't even talked to Louis all day so I rummage into my book bag and check my phone. I have 25 unread messages and 15 missed calls and from Louis. Im not sure why but I get this sick twisted feeling in my stomach.

Louis; hey how are you?

Louis; Hey

Louis; Mary?!!

Louis; why aren't you picking up the Phone???!!!

Louis; Mary wtf pick up the phone and answer me!!!

Louis; you better not e fucking cheating on me.

The text messages get more vicious after each message.

Beauty and The Beast // Z.MWhere stories live. Discover now