Chapter 4 Distraught

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Zayn's Pov

The blood work came back. Nothing was wrong with me well health wise. I got MRI, cat scans, I got all the tests known to man. But each one said I was healthy and nothing was wrong with me. Liam of course has been a great support. My father hasn't even seen me since he always busy working. And he was going away on a business trip all summer.

I've been all alone all week. I admit it has been depressing even my best friend Harry ditched me. He doesn't even text me anymore. I mean in a way it's good. I won't have to make some lame excuse as to why I couldn't hang out. He did tell me he started seeing a girl named Abby. I am happy for him. The way he talked about her, seemed like he is really into her.

I wish I could find someone like that. Someone that could make me feel so good about myself. Someone that didn't just want to be with me for my money, or my looks. But who want to be with me I am hideous now. I will never find the love I want. Love.

I let out a big sigh and plopped onto my bed. I'll probably end up alone. For the rest of my life. What am I going to do? I can't go out, I can't have fun. All I do is watch telle all day.

"This isn't the life I am supposed to have." I said silently.

"Oh but it is Zayn. " I jumped at the random voice that appeared to come out of nowhere.

"Who said that?" I was getting scared, who was in my room. My room was on the fourth floor and I nobody can come into my room since the door is locked.

I looked at my window it was opened and the curtains were flowing because of the wind. I closed them. When I turned back around she was in my room.

"How did you get into my room?" I asked. It was her the girl that was up with me on the roof, the one that did this  to me

"Is that really your biggest concern right now Zayn? I think you got bigger things to worry about." She smiled, she had these strange colored eyes they looked grayish. 

"What is your name? How did you do this to me? Change me back. " I practically yelled that last part.

"One at a time my dear Zayn. Let's start with the first. Well over the ages I've been called many things, some nice, some not so nice, name calling I'm referring to. But my real name is Penelope. I've been around for a very long time. I've seen a lot of people like you. Mean, rude, so arrogant, so it's my job to help them." She said sitting on my bed like if it was hers.

"I still don't understand. Look how much will it cost to change me back. I'll give you whatever amount of cash you will like. " I said.

"Oh no it doesn't work that way Zayn. Shall we move on to the second question. You see I have this thing called magic. "  She said grinning.


"Yes, my kind has magic." She said.

"Your kind?" I asked

"Oh gosh Zayn, mean, rude, arrogant, self centered, and stupid.  You obviously do need my help." She laughed.

"I'm a witch Zayn, and that leads me to the final one. I can't change you back. That's up to you and well your one true love. Well if she is able to love you." She said getting up from my bed.

"My one true love? Who is my one true love?" I asked

"You'll meet her soon enough my sweet sweet Zayn. Remember you have a year to break this curse and have someone fall in love with you." She said stroking my cheek once.  I turned away and when I turned back she was gone. I looked all over my room, but she was no where to be found.

Who is my true love?

Mary's Pov

I've been all alone. Abby has been spending all her time with Harry. I miss my only friend. This summer is going to be insanely boring. Ugh. There was a small knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. My dad opened the door and came in and sat on my bed.

"Mary I am going in a business trip all summer. " He said

"All summer? I am going to stay alone in the house?" I asked

"Well here's the thing I know your 17 and I know your capable of taking care of yourself. But I just don't feel comfortable you being all alone here so your going to be staying with somebody else in the mean time." I get it i understood, ever since my mother died he's been scared of leaving me alone. My dad loves me as much as I know that he still loves my mom.

"So start packing your clothes, everything that you need alright, you'll be leaving tomorrow night " He said kissing my forehead.

"Alright, but who will I be staying with?" I asked.

"You'll be staying with the Malik family." he said walking out and closing my door.
Holy shit!!


Tell me what you think. (:
hope y'all enjoyed this (:
decided to update since I have such amazing readers (:

update goal is 10 votes (:

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