this ones about drunk

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my notes for drunk were hastily written, i was in a rush to get to dinner but didn't want to lose any of my thoughts or ideas.

if you have read the oneshot "drunk" in my other book you will know it's about a drunken fight between y/n and damiano, it's something i've seen a lot and wanted to put my own spin on.

when i wrote i attempted to save my notes and leave them in the story but it ended up being a bit to out of place and messy, that's what prompted me to save my notes for something like this, it prompted me to write a book like this where i could appreciate the fact that everything and everyone starts somewhere, no matter how big and developed it becomes.

what will be written here is exactly what you will find written out in notebooks and typed across the top of my imagine stories, this is all raw, real, exclusive (to an extent) behind the scenes.

i'm sure you might be wondering can we see the notes and the answer to that is of course, so with out further ado, the notes for "drunk!"

plotline: damiano comes home at 3 in the morning drunk out of his mind and y/n freaks out and goes nuts on him, they fight for an hour before damiano throws a glass at y/n, she runs out of the house and damiano screams at her to come back to which he gets no response, he finally realizes what he did, y/n ends up at victoria's house, they make up smushy face blah blah blah the end.

just reading this you can see what i changed and what i expanded on, i found it helpful to the story for y/n to be concerned and the victim rather than the one who freaks out and causes a fight, while y/n did freak out she didn't start something that should have ended with a glass being thrown at her.

my little notes and plotlines help me so much when making stories because often i will begin to write with a basic idea and no story or plot and it ends up being something i can never post because it doesn't go anywhere.

the plotlines are not what makes the story however, the passion, the want, the need for the story, for me writing is an escape and i don't just mean writing imagines, i mean writing dumb little stories about people i see on the street or adding personification to inanimate objects or writing in my big book of writing prompts, it is something that relaxes me and makes me feel like i'm free to do what i please and be myself and not worry about anyone else.

that's what motivates me, is not my passion for måneskin or even passion for having something romantic or spicy to read it's having the passion for writing, for release. something i've been told a lot is that is that i should write poetry or deep meaningful pieces, and i've tried all that but nothing has ever made me as happy and as free and fulfilled as writing things i care about and i want to write, i write for myself not for others so i might as well write for what i want, i'm glad that i have a shared interest in what i want to write to what all of you want to read, the anonymous ways of wattpad make me comfortable to share my writing unlike in real life.

so i want to say a big thank you to everyone who has ever voted on, liked, or even simply read my works, you make me feel so appreciated and so comfortable doing things that scare me.


thank you all very much, i know this wasn't an exciting chapter but the next few will be actual imagines and works of mine with all these notes and thank you's and poetry cut out, they will be imagines i want to publish but haven't or things i have published but took down.

love you all v much!

caz out.

word count: 680.

~ damiano david imagines ~ *NOTES AND MORE*Where stories live. Discover now