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this is something else that i wrote, really liked actually, but ultimately decided i wanted to delete because it ended up fucking up some other stories due to the outcome of it, i hope you will enjoy it here!


"hey baby what are you doing?" damiano asked as he walked into the kitchen,

"well i was going to make some food but we didn't have any pasta left.." i started thinking out loud suggesting other things i could eat. "ooh what if we go out for lunch?" i suggested.

"ehh, we can if you want i'm kind of tired though.." damiano yawned,

"yeah me too, why don't we just order some pizza or something, i spoke as damiano's cat legolas crept into the kitchen "oh hello there lego," i spoke as i bent down to pick up the cat..

"awww," damiano spoke as he went to go find the other cat, bidet,

"hey you know babe i was thinking maybe we could.. i don't know maybe adopt a dog or something?"

"you want to?" damiano said looking at me like i was crazy,

"yeah maybe.. i don't know i just keep seeing all these videos of cute puppies and it's making me want one."

"we can certainly discuss it.." damiano didn't seem nearly as enthusiastic as i was..

"well uh maybe we should order that pizza," damiano finally spoke out to break the awkward silence.

"oh uh yeah sure i'll do that.." i went to go find my laptop to order pizza..


after we ate our pizza i decided to bring up the puppy again.. i pulled up the website of the local adoption shelter in our town, i pulled up a few cute pictures to convince him.

"oh come on dami please" i pleaded

"we already have two cats why do we need a puppy too?" he questioned

"come on baby you know i'm more of a dog person.." i trailed off. i needed to show him those pictures now.. "just can we look at some? please?"

"fine, show me." i grabbed my laptop to show him,

daisy (f), age: 6 months

"see dami, so cute!" i scrolled to the next puppy,

loki (m), age: 2 months
"okay that one is pretty cute!" finally he agreed with me! still i scrolled to the next puppy,

pandora (f), age: 8 months
"AWW BABY LOOK AT PANDORA" i whisper screamed, she melted my heart, i love dogs that look like that..

calypso (f), age: 10 months
"cavolo.. quello è davvero carino.."
"vedere! te l'avevo detto!" even though i kind of already had my heart set on pandora.. calypso was adorable i couldn't handle it..

clover (m), age: 5 months

"clover is such an adorable name isn't it baby?!" i pressed

"ehh i think bidet is better" we both laughed at that,

"so can we get a puppy?" i did my best puppy eyes

"ugh fine!" he finally gave in, "let's go to the adoption center
when we got the adoption center we could hear all the puppies,

"ciao! stavamo guardando alcuni dei cuccioli online ci chiedevamo se potessimo forse incontrare pandora e uhh calypso per favore?" damiano spoke to the lady at the desk,

"certo, seguimi" the lady replied

we really couldn't decide between calypso and pandora, it was so hard to pick, eventually we made a decision, both! we already had two cats why not two dogs?

"yayyy!" i said relieved i wouldn't have to make any heartbreaking decisions

"you better love these dogs like they are your own children" damiano said sarcastically

"i'm already way ahead of you" i replied returning his joke, we both giggled as he handed the lady our information, ID, proof of income, copy of our home ownership papers, standard stuff to know that we would be able to take care of not one but TWO puppies, finally we were able to leave with our newly adopted babies, pandora and calypso.


ok so originally, there were pictures of puppies next to all the listings but when i transferred the unpublished story from the other book to here it didn't show up and i didn't feel like going back to get them, honestly you can just imagine whatever puppies you want, it really doesn't matter, i think originally there were 2 australian shepherds, a golden retriever, a pitbull, and a chow chow.

love you all so so so very much,

caz out.

word count: 741.

~ damiano david imagines ~ *NOTES AND MORE*Where stories live. Discover now