lovely lovely winter

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this story had an original basic idea however when i got to the end of the idea i had no idea where to go from there, it's sat in my drafts for a while so where better to share than here?


"ugh, it's snowing," i said as i got up from the couch and went to go get another glass of wine,

"you don't like snow?!" damiano looked at me like i was crazy.

"no, it's just such a mess and it's just such a big inconvenience.."

"you're serious? you don't even think it looks pretty? what about when you were a kid you didn't like playing in the snow? come on vic back me up here?"

"y/n has hated snow since we were little kids, as long as i could remember," she added.

i grabbed another bottle of wine from the fridge and grabbed a corkscrew and then walked back into the living room,

"more wine for either of you two?"

"yes please!" vic said as she raised her glass to me,

"ahh sure why not?" damiano said doing the same.

*time skip*

"y/n help me make cookies!" victoria said grabbing me by the arm and practically dragging me into the kitchen,

"ok!" i said as i grabbed some cookie sheets.

"alexa play michael bublé christmas!" vic cheered as i grabbed the cookie ingredients from the cupboard,

we started making cookies and all of a sudden damiano walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island

"hi baby," i smiled as i walked towards him and put my hands on his cheeks

"hi," he replied smiling

"whatcha been up to?" i said as i giggled and wiped the frosting i got on his face off,

"mmm not much.. just wanted to see what you were up to.." he chuckled as i walked back around to where victoria was and returned to helping make the cookies,

"baby try this," i said handing him the spatula..

"that's yummy" he said and returned to watching us cook,

just then thomas entered the kitchen, he opened the blinds, "guys look at all the snow!" he cheered as victoria ran to the window,

"it's so pretty!" she screeched out as damiano joined her and thomas at the window.

"yeah, yeah, whatever.. get back over here and help me!"

"oh i'm sorry little miss i hate snow!" vic said and stuck her tongue out,

"woah what?!" thomas exclaimed

"y/n doesn't like snow! apparently since she was a little kid!" damiano blurted out

"how can you not like snow?" thomas said running over to me

"i don't know i just don't like it?" i said as i returned my focus to the cookies,

"but- but how?" he stammered

"can't a girl just not like snow?" i chuckled

"no! no how can you not like snow?" damiano added,

"guys give her a rest, if she doesn't like it she doesn't like it!" victoria said as she pulled up a chair at the island for herself.

i put yet another cookie sheet into the oven and grabbed the last batch off the cooling rack,

"dami baby, do you want to frost these for me?" i said as i handed him a plate of cookies and some frosting,

"yes!" he giggled and dipped his finger into the frosting,

"damiano!" i giggled as he stuck his finger in his mouth and ate the frosting,

"i had to make sure it's good!" he said as i grabbed the frosting from him and gave it to thomas,

"thomas make sure the little boy here doesn't eat all the frosting!"

*time skip to a couple hours later*

we were all sitting in the living room watching chirstmas movies when victoria blurted out,

"i'm bored"

"me too honestly" damiano said as he stretched and readjusted himself

"yeah why don't we do something else?" i said as thomas turned the tv off

"so what are we going to do?" ethan asked

"why don't we go out in the snow?" victoria asked and shook my arm..

"yeah!" thomas said and he jumped off the couch,

"you guys can, i'll start dinner!" i said as i walked into the kitchen,

"no come on guys let's do something we all want to do," damiano said as he pulled me back into the living room

"let's go to the christmas fest in the park?" ethan suggested

"i'm good with that," i spoke as i went to put my shoes on

"yeah that's fine," damiano said as he grabbed his jacket

we all put our shoes and winter clothes on, grabbed the dogs leashes and headed out the door, it was a somewhat long walk to the park but it wasn't too bad, just a bit chilly. we stuck it out thought because we wanted to see the lights and we wanted hot chocolate.


if you have any ideas for how i could finish this or anything i should change feel free to let me know, i would really love to be able to post this part!

love you all so very much!

caz out.

word count: 852.

~ damiano david imagines ~ *NOTES AND MORE*Where stories live. Discover now