idk something about fire

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i had no ideas for this other than i wanted to attempt to remake "lovely lovely winter" but be able to finish it, i knew i wanted it to end with everyone by a fire, hence the title, but i didn't have an actual idea for the title so that kind of stuck,


mmm... goodmorning" damiano said as he stretched his arms across me in our bed,

"morning," i smiled as i turned to face him, i put my hands on his cheeks and kissed his forehead,

"what are we going to do today?" he said as he sat up in bed.

"well i don't know, today's our only day off for the next while so i think we should maybe just stay home today, maybe we can just make christmas cookies or something?" i said looking up at him,

"yeah that sounds good!" he said as he picked up one of the cats and held it like a little baby,

"can i take a picture?" i said as i giggled,

"yeah.." he said as he started stroking the cats face, i snapped a quick picture and posted it onto my instagram story, i hopped out of bed and threw on one of damianos hoodies before heading downstairs,

"ugh look at all the snow," i said as i sat down in the living room

"you don't like snow?!" thomas looked at me like i was crazy.

"no, it's just such a mess and it's just such a big inconvenience.."

"you're serious? you don't even think it looks pretty? what about when you were a kid you didn't like playing in the snow? come on vic back me up here?"

"y/n has hated snow since we were little kids, as long as i could remember," she added,

just then damiano walked downstairs with all 3 of the cats,

"what are we talking about?" he said as i took ziggy from him who was squirming like crazy,

"y/n doesn't like snow!" thomas blurted out,

"oh yeah haha," he chuckled, and walked into the kitchen.. "what do you guys want for breakfast?" he shouted into the living room,

"omelettes?" i said as i joined him in the kitchen,

"you hate omelettes." he said

i grabbed a glass of water and sat down at the island, "i know i really want bacon and scrambled eggs i just wanted to say something other than what we eat every day.." i giggled

"it's fine, i'm good with bacon and scrambled eggs if it makes you so happy," he smiled and pushed my hair back behind my ears,


i'm going to finish this today, it's my goal, look for it in the book!

love you all!

caz out.

word count: 456.

~ damiano david imagines ~ *NOTES AND MORE*Where stories live. Discover now