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Bucky ran, looking for Y/N, following her scent, until he passed one hill sighting a large cloud of blue and headed towards it. She was curled up on the ground while Bruce rubbed her back.

Bucky slowed down as he approached them and Bruce looked up, tears streaming down his face. Bucky stopped unsure of what to do and waited for her crying to calm.

Y/N looked up and saw him standing awkwardly. She moved to sit up. "Did you know? Bucky, did you know that Steve was....." She couldn't say it.

Bucky quickly shook his head "No, Y/N no, I didn't know. I would have told you. And kicked his ass"

She let out a tiny laugh and tried to smile at him before her face crumpled and she had to take deep breaths to keep the sobs back. "He's been really distant since Germany. I knew fighting with his friends took a toll and I tried to help him but he kept pushing me away. If I could have-"

Bucky stopped her "Don't doll. Don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything wrong. Nothing you could have done or not done would explain or excuse this. I don't know what he was thinking but that's on him not you." He scooted closer "Is it ok if I sit with you? I can leave if you want"

She nodded "Come grab some dirt. We're mostly just crying and some bashing"

Bruce chuckled "The bashing will ramp up when the tears run out." He wiped his face "You know she bent over backward trying to convince me to give a relationship a try? I had given up on romance after my accident, didn't think getting, uh, excited would be uh safe but she pushed so I thought maybe it could work. Now I know she was with him, even back then. And never stopped, even when I was at the same party, she just... I loved her" he started crying again.

Y/N rubbed his back gently "I know Bruce. They both did but we'll be ok. I'm here for you. And so is Bucky" she nodded at him.

"Yeah" Bucky sighed "I'm here, pal."


At the party, Thor was immensely  displeased at the developments

"ROGERS!" He roared "How dare you do something so vile and dishonorable to sweet Lady Y/N? And you, Romanoff!" He spat "Do you not profess to be friends with the Lady? Such an act of disloyalty should be beneath both of you." Thor paced to calm his temper and stopped in front of them. "Out."

Steve and Nat looked at him wide eyed, Steve tried to argue "But, Thor-"

"I. Said. OUT! Get out of here before I do something you'll regret! Out of my sight. Out of my celebration! Out of New Asgard!" He roared

Steve and Nat looked at the crowd that had gathered and saw that no one would speak up for them, most had anger and disgust in their eyes, and quickly scurried off.

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