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Last chapter.......

A few hours after they arrived, Rainbow was starting to run out of energy and trying to figure out how to leave without being rude. Bucky noticed and moved towards the hall where her room was located but before they could go a blonde woman came storming down the hall.

Bucky greeted her "Hey Yelena-"

She walked right up to Y/N "You're Y/N right? The mutant bitch that made the Avengers push my sister away."

She shoved Y/N, who stood her ground.

Rainbow shook her head "That's my name but I don't think you have the whole story. I never-"

Yelena sucker punched her and Bucky caught her before she fell.

Clint grabbed Yelena and held her back as she spat at Y/N "Natalia told me what you did so you better watch your back." And stormed off.


Chapter 7

Bucky carried Rainbow to the sofa and set her down carefully "Are you alright doll?" He turned to Sam "Could you grab some ice for her?"

Y/N looked dazed "Who the hell was that?"

Bucky sighed as he took an ice pack from Sam and gently set it over her eye "Nats sister from the red room, Yelena. Apparently Nat told her own version of what happened. Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this."

Y/N looked nervous "Does she live here too? Maybe me staying here isn't the best idea. I can always call Charles and go back to his school."

Bucky shook his head and almost shouted "No! You don't have to go." He took a breath "Nat is only here until her vision is back to normal and Yelena is only visiting."

He looked up at Tony "Right, Stark?"

Tony nodded distractedly "Yeah, no. Neither of them are staying. Nat is doing much better. I'll ask Helen to take a look at her tomorrow. FRIDAY, can you invite Yelena to the common room and lock Nat in behind her?"

"Of course, sir."

When Yelena returned she scoffed at Y/N sitting with ice on her eye "Aawww, did the poor baby get a boo boo? Do you need a blankie and baba?" And laughed loudly.

Tony stopped Bucky from going after her "As much as she deserves it, Barnes, we won't resort to violence just yet."

He turned to face Yelena "You are a guest here and assaulting a member of my team won't be tolerated. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Yelena laughed again "Why do you have whiny little babies on your team? Why did you force Natalia out for this crying little girl?"

Y/N tried to protest "Hey, Nat made her own bed. I never did anything to her until she broke my damn wrist."

Yelena looked at her in shock "What did you say?" And started walking over towards her, only to be stopped by Bucky. She glared at him "No, I need to talk to her. What happened?"

Y/N told her side with the rest of the team confirming her account. "I thought Nat was my friend but I guess she always hated me."

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