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Notes: I know this is short but it just didn't flow with the chapter before or after so I'm just throwing it out there.

The entire team, minus Steve sat around the dining room table eating tacos and talking quietly in small groups. Even Thor, the Guardians, T'Challa, Scott Lang and Captain Marvel were in attendance.

Once everyone was almost finished Tony spoke up "I want to start by thanking everyone for coming in, I know it's a long drive for some. I do think it's important that everyone is involved in this decision and it's easier to talk without distractions when we're all in the same place." He sighed "After Germany I hoped we wouldn't have to address anything like this again. As you all know agent Romanoff is gone so her betrayal has been addressed but Rogers will be tougher thanks to public perceptions." He paused for a moment, thoughtful "since you all have the details of the latest drama we won't make Rainbow listen to any of that so straight into discussion. If anyone has any comments, thoughts, insights or dirty jokes please speak up."

Tony sat down and waited but it didn't take long for Bruce to speak up

"I'm sure all of you have a good idea where I would stand on this. As much as Steve has betrayed our trust he's still Captain America and has a lot of public support. If people find out that Natasha was never truly rehabilitated and then a bunch of negative press comes out about Steve it will damage the teams credibility. That being said I think he should get his own apartment. Away from the compound. And maybe only send him on missions when absolutely necessary. Let him be the performing monkey and handle the PR mess he's created."

Thor argued "Why would we keep someone who has broken our trust like Rogers? In some cases we would be trusting him with our lives. He was still intimate with Natasha when she was held here while her eyes healed. He has put her and his needs first for far too long."

Wanda spoke up "What if I read him on a regular basis so we know for sure where he stands?"

"That sounds awfully invasive, even unconstitutional." Countered Nick Fury as he entered the room. "You know, Stark, I'm fine with you handling the daily operations but you've taken out one of my best agents and now want to retire Captain America. Considering the circumstances I can overlook your response to Romanoff but benching Rogers is too far." He shook his head "Ross won't have it."

He sat at the opposite end of the table and sighed "We can have PR spin it as she was a sleeper and manipulated him. Send him on a leave of absence to give people time to forget."

Rainbow had been sitting quietly, listening to the various arguments when Tony looked to her questioningly.

She sighed "Well, I'm not going to forget but unfortunately I think Bruce is right. I do support having him move offsite and would like it to include restricting his access here."

Nick and Tony looked at her then each other and nodded. "Is this a plan everyone can live with?" Tony asked before calling Steve in.

There were grumbles and nods, proving it a good compromise since no one was really happy.

Steve showed up a few minutes later looking for a fight "Look Tony i know that I've made some mistakes but this is-" he stopped when he saw Nick and looked around the room "What's going on? Did you need Nick to do your dirty work, Tony? I should have-"

Nick snapped "Shit the fuck up, Rogers. We've agreed to let you stay on the team but you need to find housing offsite. And you'll be doing more PR than avenging for now. I'll have one of the people in that dept get in touch with you this week."

Steve was shocked still having expected some backlash but didnt know what to do next.

Tony looked around "Any other business while we're all here? I guess not. I don't know about any of you but I'm ready for happy hour."

At that moment Happy came out of the kitchen with a cart that had two pitchers of margaritas, chips and glasses which were passes around and filled.

Rainbow squeezed Bucky's hand as she took a sip of her drink and he leaned over to say something in her ear which made her laugh and nod.

Wanda looked at them and smiled. When Vision asked what she was smiling about she looked at him "Bucky's gonna take Rainbow on a date tonight. Their first real date."

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