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3rd Person PoV

The two of them crowded the table with their colorful creatures, the smell of warm bread and fresh fruit filling the comfortable air they shared. Arven broke a piece of bread into two halves, the crumbs bouncing to the ground, as he watched the girl crouch to pick up a ball. She tossed the ball gently into the mass of Pokémon in front of her and chuckled as it was immediately received and hurled around amongst them.

Arven quickly averted his eyes back to the table as Alice took her seat again, turning her gaze onto him. He swallowed, feeling very judged, but also unable to help feeling a sense of superiority over his smaller friend. Not only was she smaller than him, she was also weaker than him! It was a terrific thing, to be stronger than her, someone who battled avidly with her incredible companions. The amount of experience she'd had doubled, even tripled that of his own - but as of late, that was becoming less and less true.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, stu~pid?" Alice sang as she leaned back in her seat. Arven felt his eyebrows relax, not knowing he had been scowling.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Head empty. You are stupid. So dumb." He glared at her, thinking of all the poisons he could put into her sandwich.

"You seem to be much more happy. Especially since you and your Pokémon were just beaten to a pulp."

"..Yeah whatever." Alice frowned, turning away from him. Every time she seemed even slightly upset, he felt bad. Arven frowned again and returned his attention to the table, beginning to slice some fruit. Why did he care so much? It's not like he'd really gained anything since meeting her. Well...then again.. He glanced over at Mabostiff, who was happily playing with Alice's Pelipper. Playing. No, he'd definitely gained something. He glanced at Alice. Yes, he'd gained quite a bit.

"Ouch-" Arven's hand recoiled as he nicked his finger with the knife he'd been using.

"Are you alright?" Alice inquired, immediately focused on him. He tried his best to hide his now bleeding finger from her icy blue gaze.

"Er- yes, I-I'm fine- give me a minute..." There was no helping it, Alice watched as Arven struggled to open his backpack while still trying to conceal his wound, and a drop of blood dropped onto the zipper he was fumbling with. Alice blinked, moving instantly to the stronger trainer's side and quickly opening the pack, her small fingers working quickly alongside his useless ones. She produced a bandage from the pack and opened it with her teeth.

"Your finger," she demanded. He wordlessly surrendered it to her. She fastened the bandage around it and looked up at him. "How'd you manage to hurt yourself while cutting fruit?" She laughed. Arven's eyes widened, then narrowed.

"I could've lost a finger and you'd still be laughing." Alice nodded and grinned at him, almost proud. She moved to the table to finish his job with the food as he rolled his eyes. "Hey- I can get that-"

"Uh huh. Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather have strawberry juice in my food than blood, thanks." She had a point.

Once the food was ready, Arven called his Pokémon over, and Alice did the same. They all ate in silence, Alice's eyes trained on the tablecloth. Arven recalled that his short friend didn't like having eyes on her while she eats, and kept his trained on his own food or his Pokémon.

"We should get a move on," Arven said as they finished their food. He stood up and began packing the cooking things. Alice watched him, taking tiny bites of the rest of her sandwich, holding it from the edge of the bread like a Skwovet. She chewed slowly, contemplatively as her eyes followed him. She finished and licked her lips.

"Y'know, I tried to beat the psychic gym leader once." Arven looked sidelong at Alice while closing a container of spice.



"..And it went rotten, huh?"

"I guess," Alice murmured, a bit embarrassed for bringing it up. She bit her lip, trying to recall the battle. Arven watched her, his bandaged finger fumbling on the edge of a plastic baggie. Alice reached across the table and peeled it open for him. "I dunno, Arven. Shit. I've been doing really well, and then lately I've just kind of been floundering. I feel useless as a Magikarp right now." She stood and helped Arven with the rest of the picnic.

"We all have bad days," Arven responded quite unhelpfully.

"I know, but this has been going on for like a week, Arven," Alice complained. "It's like I've lost my ability. I think it first started when I first tried to fight the Iron Head Titan."

"But we beat it," Arven countered, completely missing the point.

"Yeah, eventually. But I felt so weak that first time. It took a lot of battles for my Pokémon to be up to par. And it hasn't gotten much better." Arven was at a loss for how to comfort his friend, so he just handed her a juice box instead. She took it and looked down at it. "..Yup." Arven looked at her. "I feel exactly like this. So small and insignificant. 'No sugar added.'"

She could definitely use some, Arven thought bitterly.

"Yeah, well, you've always amazed me in those Titan battles. Even when we lost. Your Pokémon always held out way longer than mine. That Luxray of yours is insane."

"Well, yeah..I guess." Alice looked over at the Pokémon mentioned and smiled slightly. "I dunno I'm just...really worried. It's like everything around me is getting stronger, and I'm just not changing. You know?" Arven laughed, a short, dry laugh.

"Yeah. I know." Alice looked up at him and sighed. They packed up the rest of the picnic.

"Alright. Let's head out."

Self Indulgence // ArvenWhere stories live. Discover now