Vroom Vroom!

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Arven's PoV

"Come on out, Car."

"Car?" The PokéBall illuminated the dark, moonlit ground at our feet. Miraidon exploded from within it, a burst of purple against the navy sky. "Really?"

"Yes. I call it Car." Alice sneered at me as though I was an idiot. She always did that. It used to be endearing when she first started, but now it's patronizing. Annoying.


"Hop on, big boy," she commanded, startling me from my thoughts.


"You heard me."

"Why? We w-won't both fit-"

"That's what she said..."


"Just get on the damn Car, idiot." Alice hopped on and patted behind her. I frowned, hoping my face wasn't red.

"Okay, okay..." I reluctantly climbed atop Miraidon. "..Er..why are we doing this?" Alice twisted around to look at me. There it was. That look again. Like I'm stupid.

"It's nighttime. The sky is dark. The big, bad Pokémon are all going to come out now, and we won't be able to see them. The most dangerous, skillful hunters come out at night." I wondered if that was why she never seemed to sleep. "So, it'll be safer to ride on Car than it would be to travel on foot. My lovely Car~" she added, stroking the thing's neck. I glared at it, and it seemed to smirk at me, knowingly..?

"Um..alright." By this time we had made it well past the academy, with a long way to go. My feet ached, and I wasn't in the mood to complain. Besides, Alice was unbearable without obedience. Best give the beast what it wants.

"Right. Anywho, let's get going, shall we? Hold me."

"What?!" I asked, alarmed.

"Put your arms around me! Hold me, dumbass, or you're going to fall off!" She said it with so much venom, a stranger would have taken it as a threat.

"O-okay-" I complied, thankful for the growing darkness as my face began to heat up. Alice shifted on Miraidon and then began to murmur to it as I situated my arms around her and tried to get somewhat comfortable. Man, this was awkward. For me, anyway. I tried to see Alice's face, and was surprised to find a faint layer of pink on her cheeks that I could barely make out in the dark. Was she uncomfortable too? Or...

"Let's go. Hang on tight." Miraidon made a rough barking noise and took off without warning. I clung to Alice, and she held fast onto her "Car". What a weird girl, calling Miraidon a "Car". Everyone knows it looks more like a motorcycle. Apparently, where we stopped walking happened to be on the outskirts of the academy town. Near a wall, we had mounted Miraidon. That wall was now jumped, and with a sickening drop, we splashed into the moat-like inlet surrounding the school. I couldn't help it, I cried out, much to Alice's amusement.

"What's the matter? Get a little wet, did you?" I blushed in a way that would no doubt be noticeable in the daylight.

"Quiet down, don't go saying things like that so loud..." She paused before cackling maniacally. What a weird, weird girl. I did, in fact, get wet, and as we raced along the surface of the cold water, the air chilled me to the bone. I pressed my soaked body against Alice, shivering. Her small body provided little warmth, but I took what I could get. Hypothermia was not part of the deal I made with my father.

"Miraidon's final ability iiis..." Alice squeezed Miraidon and it reared back, then, much to my horror, leapt up against one of the massive gates in the water - "climbing!" The creature latched onto the metal side of the gate and began to hurl itself up to the top, making horrific screeching sounds with its claws. We paused at the top and Miraidon turned, allowing us a view out across the water. Alice twisted around again to look into my eyes. Where fear held mine, excitement shone in hers. They were the same color as the moonlight reflecting off of the ripples Miraidon had caused, I noticed.

"Isn't it awesome?" I couldn't respond if I'd wanted to. I just stared at her, my breath caught in my chest. She frowned. Oh no.

"What? Oh my gosh, stupid- anyway..." She was flustered. The moonlight gave it away. I smiled softly to myself as she prepared Miraidon for another jump into the water on the other side of the gate. I'm not sure what came over me, but I leaned in towards her ear.

"It's beautiful," I murmured, trying to keep my voice as soft as possible so as not to hurt her ears. I could just barely see her eyes becoming two big saucers that rivaled the moon itself. In that moment, I was incredibly happy that this girl had come to Paldea, to me.

"Ah- y-yeah uh- w-whatever!!"

With that, another leap sent us careening into the icy water, colder than even Alice.

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