Wins and Losses

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3rd Person PoV

After being beaten by Eri yet again, Alice became immeasurably discouraged. After healing her Pokémon without speaking a work to the concerned Arven, she leapt upon Miraidon and climbed to the top of a nearby waterfall.

Arven's PoV

"Alice, hang on a second!" I cried uselessly as the girl and her beast of a vehicle mounted a cliff side and leapt up past two rushing waterfalls. The girl literally climbed a waterfall to escape the shame of defeat. I sighed.

She really is something else.

I rushed to the pool at the bottom of the falls and stared up at the powerful streams. How was I supposed to reach her? I managed to find a way up, scrambling on wet rock and grasping at moss. I came to the first level of the falls. Seriously? How much higher would I have to go?

Alice's PoV

Oh man, that was embarrassing. How many times was I going to lose to that Eri chick? She sure was strong.

I sighed, hugging Miraidon as we drifted into a small cave at the top of the waterfall. The cool water lapped my ankles, leaving my shoes and socks soaked. I looked up at the sound of a Pokémon cry.

"Is that a Houndoom?" I asked no one in particular.

Arven's PoV

When I reached the top of the waterfall I splashed into a small cave, almost having to wade in the deep water. There I found Alice battling a massive Noivern.

"Alice!" I panted. She didn't even look up.

"Damnit, asshole! Get in the fucking ball!" I watched, leaning against the cave wall as she hurled a dusk ball at it. A few more tries and it was caught. Why was she catching that Pokémon? I watched in disbelief as she booted a water-types off of her team to replace with the new Pokémon. Was she trying to get stronger?

Alice's PoV

When I finally looked over at my visitor I heard a splash. I found Arven slumped over in the water against the cave wall, panting visibly.

Arven fainted! my stupid brain mused as I urged Miraidon over to him. I roused him, coaxing a bottle of water into his hands when I noticed how exerted his body was.

"What the hell did you do?" I snapped at him.

"I..followed you..." I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Idiot," I murmured as I tried to pull him up onto Miraidon. We left the cave, splashing down into the pool at ground-level, the water splashing over both of us. Arven coughed and sputtered as we resurfaced, but I had little time for sympathy for him. "Let's call a cabbie," I suggested.


"I've got two gym leaders to defeat."


"Come on, now or never."

Arven's PoV

"Fine..." I called for a flying taxi while Alice healed her Pokémon using the items in her bag, rather than going to the Center that was only yards away.

Arceus, what a stubborn bitch...why am I helping her...

"Didja get one?"

"Yeah. Hey, Alice?"


"Why did you replace Golduck and the other guy?" She glared daggers at me.

"What do you mean? They were weak. These guys are stronger. I've got to be stronger." I couldn't find words to say so I just stood there, dripping.

The taxi ride was painfully awkward. I stared at Alice while she plotted her attack on the unsuspecting psychic gym leader.

"Are you confident you'll beat her?" I dated to ask when the silence became unbearable.

"Hah. Of course. This time, she won't be able to powder he way out of defeat." Okay then.

Sure enough, as soon as the can landed, she stepped out and marched towards the gym building, as surefooted as her words, not even waiting to see if I was following her. I sighed, tipped the cabbie, and scrambled after her.

"Come on, Arven~!" Oh, so she did wait for me.

"I'm coming.."

"You're gonna cheer me on, aren't you hon~?" Hon? I felt my face heat up.

"Why? It's not like you need it, right?"

"Of course I don't need it sweetheart. But I'd sure as hell appreciate it." She beamed at me and trotted onwards. I decided it would be a long night. Perhaps a long forever.

She did end up beating the gym leader, after somehow coaxing her Houndoom into listening to her commands. Then we set off for the last gym leader without hesitation. She's so fiery for being so infatuated with water-types.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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