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Alice's PoV

It only took us a few hours to make it to the bamboo forest where the remaining Team Star leader I had yet to take down was located. It was a rough journey, and Arven's behavior had left me shivering from more than just the cold water. Simply put, I was out of sorts. But I didn't let him see it. Lots of jumping, gliding, and climbing characterized our journey. There was a lot of dust and sand being kicked up and thrown around, and I swear at one point there was a rock poking me uncomfortably, as if it was wedged between Arven and I.

"Hey, dumbass," I shouted back to him, "can you please move that rock? It's jabbing me right in the back..."

"What-? Oh- u-uh..yeah, sure..."

Arven's PoV

Oh, dear Arceus. Holy shit. I readjusted with rapid haste and swallowed my embarrassment. How could this happen?

"Thanks, much better," Alice said approvingly. If only she knew. Oh, Arceus...

Alice's PoV

After Arven moved the rock, things went smoothly. He shut up entirely, and the rest of the journey was terrifying, but peaceful. Every time we were climbing a vertical surface, I squeezed Miraidon hard between my thighs, fearing greatly the drop should I fall. And every time, Arven held me in his steady arms. I could feel his breath huff out by my neck when I slid back into his hold, and I almost felt bad for him. Almost. But if I were in his place, I thought, we'd all be dead for sure.

"We're here," I breathed as we stepped off of Miraidon in the bamboo forest. Arven looked pale but relieved, and I felt the same. My eyes traveled down his body and he quickly turned away, scanning the area and watching the fighting-type Pokémon milling about between the bamboo stalks. Peculiar. Alright, then. It had taken some effort for him to pry his arms off of me. I'm sure that was because his joints were stiff as a Sudowoodo after the trip, but something about his apparent reluctance to let go made me feel funny. Could I have been picking up on something else entirely? Didn't matter. We had a Team Star junkie to face.

Arven's PoV

I swear she was looking. I hope she didn't see. I signed, my hands immediately going to my hair as I take in my surroundings. It wasn't my fault, was it? My whole body was trembling from the ride. I'm so lucky I've never been to the Unova region. I hear they're big on theme parks.

"Well, you ready or what?" Alice's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder at her. "What? What's wrong now?" I blinked at her. Wow, she's dense. Or maybe she's just pretending she doesn't know anything. Her face began to turn light pink as I stared at her. Is she just pretending?

"Uh, can we eat something first? Your Pokémon will do better on full stomachs." She seemed to realize I was right and perked right up.

"Oh. Sure. What will you be making for us this time, chef Arven?" She walked over to me and reached for my pack. On instinct, I twisted away, swinging my pack from my shoulders. I plopped on the ground and pulled the pack onto my lap. Alice recoiled from this sudden movement, and I stared up at her sheepishly. "Woah. Um. You good?"

"Yes. Sorry."

"..Oookay, anyway..." She again reached for my pack after sitting down herself. We looked into each other's eyes as she rummaged around in my backpack. I felt my face heating up. Was she searching for the tablecloth? Or trying to find something else? My body felt hot through the fabric of the bag and the layers of my clothes. I quietly sighed with relief when Alice produced a violet tablecloth from my pack.

"Wow, you're all tense," Alice commented, starting at me, her gaze softening with..sympathy? "Need a massage?" I felt my eyes widen and silently cursed them. Swallowing, I rapidly shook my head.

"Haha, uh, no thanks I'm good. Let's get it all set up here eh?" Alice took the plate that I didn't realize I was holding out to her and set it aside. Then she moved away and began to unfold the tablecloth.

We ate in a painful silence. It was unusual for no words to pass our lips over food, but I guess it was probably for the best. If she questioned my behavior, what would I say? After we finished eating, Alice took it upon herself to clean up. As she was stuffing cleaned plates into the bag I still held tightly against my lap, she spoke.

"I get it, I think." She shot me a sideways glance that struck my heart into a rapid pace. "You're worried. About me. Aren't you?"

"I..I'm always worried about you," I admitted, swallowing.

"No. You're worried about this battle. Right? And not just this one. You're worried about every battle. And you're especially worried about taking me into Area Zero." She was definitely right about that. But it had nothing to do with the previous warmth beneath my pack. Still, I nodded.

"Yeah. And I'm worried about being enough for you." She frowned at me.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I want to be able to have your back."

" saved me countless times back there from falling off of Miraidon. You're more than enough for me. I'm not light."

"That's not what I mean. If something tries to kill you-"

"Arven. Please." A small hand rested its weight on my stiff shoulder. Bright blue eyes made contact with mine. "You'll protect me. If I need, you'll be right there. I know you will. There isn't a doubt in my mind. So just shut up, okay?" Her eyes were surprisingly soft as she stared into the depths of my soul.

"Okay Alice. Thank you. And I know you won't need it. I know..."


"" The heat on my face began to show on hers. She removed her hand from me. "..Nevermind..." Then she was gone. "Ah-! Ahh..A-Alice, what are you-"


"Woah..uh..." Tiny hands worked out the knots between my shoulder blades, releasing the built up tension with ease. I moaned softly as her fingertips and knuckles took turns relieving me of pain.

"Easy there. People will think things." She was murmuring, her breath hot on my ear.

"O-okay-" I could barely speak without sighing.


I could almost hear her smiling to herself as she allowed herself total control over my body. Total control..over my...

The heat beneath my backpack returned.

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