Avalon Dam

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No One POV

It has been 3 Months ever since the Assault on Tokyo... Both sides have made Major Advancements... But the IVL is on the Brink of Collapse. Jurgen is dead, There restricted to the city of Sapporo, and the UN is planning A all out Assault. That would of been the normal Case, But during A Ambush... Tirpitz let herself be Captured so that everyone else could Escape...

Ever since. Bismarck, Friedrich, and Tirpitz's Personal Fleet haven't been the Same... Bismarck dosen't talk with anyone that she isnt close with, U-410 is barely seen with only U-522 talking with her Normally, Friedrich looks normal. But you can see Deep Down she is Emotionally Hurt and is barely able to Cope, And Her Fleet all just look... Depressed... Like they- Nevermind. But then Yamamoto recieved something that made Her Heart Skip A Beat... They were planning to use the Morgan to launch A Nuclear Weapon straight for Tokyo... No one was able to even think about taking her on, Everyone remembers when she arrived in this world. Mercilessley Toyed with all of them, Agility that not even Magic can do, And that's just Scratching the Surface. But then... A Volunteer stepped forward.

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KMS Bismarck POV

Yamamoto "WHAT?!"

Bismarck "I said, Im Going."

Yamamoto "Against you're own Sister?! What are you even going to use?!"

Bismarck "Simple, Combining the Wisdom Cube and the Core of the Infinite Stratos."

Yamamoto "EHHHH?!"

Bismarck "You dont Understand, I will go Insane if they force her. I need to stop them."

Yamamoto "... Bismarck... The Launch is in Mere Days, No its within Hours. And you're gonna push Yourself to master the Infinite Stratos just to have A Chance? You know that the Morgan can do things that the Stratos can only Dream of D-"

Bismarck "I don't Care. She's my Sister, And im not going to allow her to Forever Suffer through these Memories... Im going."

Yamamoto "Im stressed as it is...... We know that you'll die..."




Bismarck "......"

Yamamoto "Bismarck?"

Bismarck "I-... I have to go!"

What is this?? What on earth even is a F15??? Wait...


Bismarck "Mein Gut... Theres so many! How can A game have so many of these "Jets"?!?!"

Tirpitz "It was A norm Schwester, and theres a Crap ton of them: Theres the F14 Tomcat, the F4 Phantom, the F15C Eagle, the Su-37 Terminator, the Su-47 Berkut, the Gripen, and a Crap ton more!"

F15C Eagle

F15C Eagle

F15C Eagle

*End Flashback*

No..... No No No No. NO! THIS CANT BE! ......... W-What now? I need to Stop and Save Schwester at the same time... C-Can I do this?... The entire world will be on my shoulders... And can I do this mentally...? That's still my Sister... No, I can't stop now! The entirety of Tokyo is going to be Counting on me!

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