Personal rant

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This is a bit more personal rant that i'm gonna write because my friends think i'm over dramatic and I really need to vent because if I hold it in I may go crazy. Ignore this if you want.

So i'm dating this guy, I wont say his full name but lets call him D.

Let me explain how important or how much I appreciate D.

I moved to the US from the UK when I was in year 3. I met D in year 5 and we got along really well, even when everyone else thought my 'accent' and my speech pattern was freakish/weird and I was known as the alien girl lol. We became the best of friends and slowly after that we developed feelings for each other, but didn't let that get in the way of our friendship. When we got to year 6, he decided to give us a try and asked me to be in a relationship with him. We've been dating ever since, and we're both in year 10 now.

We've been together for about 4 years. Yeah we may have fought and broken up many times, but we always somehow got back together. No matter what i'll always have deep feelings for him that i'll probably never has for anyone else. He's so sweet and he's always been there for me. I actually love him 💞

Now to the rant,


D is well known around our school, and he's quite popular. My friends think that's the best thing ever, but I don't really care about that though. I really don't mind how popular he is. What I do care about is the amount of girls who find him attractive. I can't stand it.

Yeah he's very good looking but he's miiiiine. I don't like it when girls walk up to me and say "wow your boyfriend is hot better watch out!" Or "be careful, I may steal your man," Like fuck off don't tell me stuff like that fucking hell

I trust him, I really do, but I just cant get over the thought that he may be doing something behind my back. There's a lot of gorgeous girls at our school so I get really upset and jealous. I even get an attitude towards him if I see him talking to a girl, which he hates but I really can't help it. I even take so many videos of us and put them on his snapchat so people will know that he's mine. His friends tell him i'm too clingy or selfish but honestly, I just don't want to loose him for good. We've been through so much just to leave each other now.

He has told me that he had no plans on leaving me anytime soon and the feeling is mutual. But I still can't help feeling this way.

I would talk to him about it but he just tells me the same things over and over again: "Dani you're overreacting, Dani don't worry, Dani calm down, Dani this, Dani that." Like he doesn't understand, I know for a fact that he would be so pissed if I was talking to multiple guys or if multiple guys flirted with me.

I dont know maybe I am over-reacting or i'm being overprotective. I'm just really insecure when it comes to D, I really do care for him and I love him so much.

I hate people
Why is this happening to me
I should just calm down and not over think this
But I get really jealous
My life is such a mess

Okay im done I just needed to ramble for a little bit so yeh bye

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