I hate people

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1. a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
synonyms: promiscuous woman; More

2. a woman with low standards of cleanliness.

So, who decided that it was okay to go around calling every girl a slut?

Don't just randomly slut shame people you don't like, because it makes you look like an ignorant loser who has nothing better to do with their life.

Majority of the people who slut shame don't even know the definition of slut, LOL.


Ariana grande, Fifth Harmony, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, name any female in the spotlight right now and I can guarantee that they get called sluts on a daily basis. For no reason. AT ALL.

Don't you understand how stupid you sound when you just randomly slut shame women? Especially if you are a women yourself, why would you degrade your own kind like that? You sound so ignorant JFC.

It really pisses me off like please educate yourself you filthy mole.

Females are always bringing each other down, and for what? You're jealous of other females? You're intimidated of other females? I don't understand. If you don't like female, don't talk about her, degrade her, or even think about her !!!! Just go on with your life and move on !!!!!!!!

Don't just tell everyone that she's a slut, whore, skank, or whatever else just because of stupid reasons.

It doesn't take much to just be nice to someone, you never know what they could be going through. Just one compliment may be the best thing thats happened to the all day/week/year!

I don't know why people can't just be nice to others... Like its so hard just to be friendly.

I would never be able to live with myself if I was the reason someone was so upset with their self that they would want to kill their self, or harm their self in any way. How could anyone live life after knowing that they're the reason someone wants to die?

But heres a little advice. If someone is picking on you, by all means go ahead and say hurtful things to them, don't just let them get away with that. They'll continue to pick on YOU specifically if they think you won't do anything. So if someone wants to call you rude things or talk shit about you, think of the cruelest thing in your head at that moment and just say it. Defend yourself no matter what. This may be hypocritical prior to the rant but trust me, this makes life easier. This is just my way of thinking, if you think otherwise then its fine.

People have always picked on me and I just sat there and took it, which made it worse and worse, I had to learn the hard way. I've been through depression, suicide attempts, and more shit because I thought that I wasn't good enough. Ever since I started to defend myself and not give a fuck about what people think, I don't really get picked on as much. I've been more comfortable with myself and i've been much happier !

Anyway the point is to stop slut-shaming, stop being rude to others for no reason, and don't sit there and let others talk shit or degrade you.

Just be nice to people, its not fucking hard.

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