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Ok this one was coming so ill just get right into it.

I love love love Roman. Plain and simple. His smile, his hair, his voice. He's such a cutie i just can't help myself asgfkldl omg srry

Roman has a lot of talent ok. He's not as bad as most people make him out to be. His mic skills aren't as horrendous as everyone says. He's actually pretty decent if you ask me. His ring skills are great as well.

If Vince would just let him freestyle his promos he'd be better off then he is now. His interviews are better than some of his promos honestly.. I mean, who thought it was a great idea for him to recite a story fable on RAW? He's this big tough strong guy but you have him read fables like he's some kind of kindergarden teacher...? Uh...

His ring skills, like i said, are not even bad. And as for the "5 moves of doom" thing, Other superstars, Stone cold for example, had 5 moves, but he never got shit for it, and he's one of the most beloved superstars today. So why treat Roman any different? I mean you dont have to love Roman, but at least respect him and what he's doing..

I just think that Roman shouldn't win the rumble this year. I think he should start off with one of the side championships first, like the IC championship or the US championship, practice a bit more and let him get better at what he's doing, and then let him main event mania next year. If he's ready for it. Let him get comfortable as a singles competitor.

Roman is progressing with what he's doing every week. He's also taking mic lessons to improve himself. At least he's actually trying. You don't see a lot of superstars do that. Unless they're not as open about it lol

But yeah i just think that Roman gets so much shit and he has so much weight on his shoulders with the whole "new face of the company" stuff. hes only been on the main roster for 2, almost 3 years. Most of that time he was in the shield, and he wasn't in the indies like Dean and Seth. He didn't have as much practice as them. So i think it's kinda unfair to compare him to his former shield brethren. I know people only compare him to Seth and Dean because they were all partners but still,

and all of those twitter and instagram pages made solely to tell people to "boo him out of the arena" at the royal rumble just because he may win, is so childish. Do people really not have anything better to do with their lives? A lot of these pages are owned by teenage boys and grown men, that tells a lot...

I personally just want them to slow down with Roman and focus on other superstars who are 'main event' or 'WWE champion' material in the meantime. Dean for example.. duh.

So yeah that concludes my rant
Thank you for reading ((((: x

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