。⁠*♡PART 3♡*⁠。⁠

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A little warning before you start, there is ABIT of child abuse mentioned. If you are sensitive, skip this part.

Tighnari then brought Cyno to his room and let him rest while he lay beside him, reading a book.
"Honey dinner is ready-" Tighnari's mother barged into the room but stopped short when she saw her son with Cyno. "Tighnari. Explain. Now." She said with a stern face.
"It is a misunderstanding madam, he was just tired and I was making sure that nothing bad happened."
"How are you so sure I can believe you?"
"Because I-"
His mother grabbed him by the collar and held her fist up. "Silence! Do not even UTTER a word until I settle this child." She walked over to Cyno and was about to pull out her weapon when Tighnari stepped in. "Don't touch him! Hit me instead!" "Oh, how brave of you to think I will take this lightly..."

Tighnari's whole arm was bleeding, his face blue-black, and his legs were bruised. He couldn't walk anymore. His mother used her vision to make the marks burn. It hurt and he could barely even stand up to put on makeup to cover up the scars. All he did was stagger to the bathroom, shut the door and cry. It was always like this, but it hurt even more. He rethought of the words she said:"Never call me mother again! You are not my child nor son if you behave with such behaviour! You know how much I despise the Pride, and you decide to go against it! I will make sure you remember this!" He teared up even more. "If mother didn't want a child, why was I born in the first place? Why does she have to be like this even though she was the one that gave birth me? Why..." Many thoughts swirled in his mind as he sobbed in pain.

"Tighnari what happened?!" He heard someone say behind him. He turned around to face Cyno. His face became even more and more horrified when he looked at the bruised Tighnari up and down. He quickly ran to grab bandages and wrapped them carefully over the injuries. However, the face was a problem. "Don't worry, I can cover it with make-up." Tighnari explained. Cyno didn't think it was a good idea."Just rest here for now. I will bring dinner up for you." Looking at how thoughtful Cyno was for him, Tighnari couldn't help but smile."Thanks, I guess..." He replied.
Cyno took Tighnari to his bed and brushed through his now messy hair. He then noticed Tighnari's ears and tail again and started touching them. Cyno didn't know that Tighnari was sensitive at that part. He started blushing all shades of red. "C-Cyno!"Tighnari said, annoyed and flustered. Cyno just cocked his head to one side, confused. Only when he saw Tighnari blushing was when he knew. He backed away muttering and apology before going out to eat dinner.
Cyno was soon back with Tighnari's dinner. However, he pushed it away, giving an excuse that he has no appetite. Cyno kept on pestering him to no avail. "Before I have to put it in my mouth and kiss you so that you can eat it, eat."Cyno said without warning. Tighnari's face was now a luminous crimson as he took awhile to realise what he had just said. After a moment of silence, Tighnari sighed and started eating. "Hah, I knew that would work!" Cyno said teasingly with an ounce of sadness that he couldn't hear.

[Story: 579 words]

Author's note: I know that no one is reading this, but I'm posting this for fun. I really like writing and just thought of expressing it here in this app hehe :)

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