I fell for you

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 Once upon a time, on a cloudy day with no rain to be seen, I met you, my love. Each moment I spent with you, I cherished, looking forward to the time I could spend with you. The moment I met you, I looked ahead to my days rather than dreading my days ahead.

Adoration and admiration sparkled in my eyes each time I saw you. I admired the way you were so respected by our peers. I adored every action you did whether it be acing a test or telling a friend good luck before a test or quiz. My eyes naturally gravitated toward you whenever you entered the room with your charm.

My heart was in your hands for you to do whatever you please. For you, I would defend you at every word, at every misdemeanor someone did to you, I would protect you. Hopelessly lovesick, I would defend you even if I was not physically capable of doing so.

I was completely smitten with you. No matter what my friends told me, my fondness for you could not go away. With time, my affections only grew rather than faded. From the moment I met you until now, I was captivated. I was captivated by every trait of yours.

I yearned for you to return my affections. I yearned for you to feel even a sliver of the love I felt for you. Even only a little bit, I was content with it. Though how could I ever hope to have your heart as you had mine? Only in my dreams could such a thought even come true. 

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