hopeless yearning

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This passion of mine burns vibrantly
This yearning for you cannot be contained

This desire for you goes beyond a crush now
I want you more than I ever wanted anyone,
Isn't that dangerous?

darling, you've got me infatuated with everything you do;
everything you do has me entranced and aching for more.

Tell me, sweet love, do you want to be my love?
I know I want to be your lover, sweet sunshine of mine.

though I know it is hopeless,
I cannot help but crave for a romantic relationship with you.

everyone tells me to give up on you and yet-
my heart aches for you more and more as time goes on.

although butterflies no longer erupt in my stomach,
I still find myself obsessed with you

this lovestruck fool loves talking to you
she has a place in her day just for talking to you
she cannot get you out of her head

you have a space in her heart that cannot be replaced

A/N: Guess the song references <3

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