Talk to You Again

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I wish I could talk to you again

Like the days past

Like in my past memories

I wish I could pull a chair next to you

See your face at last

Would you push me away?

Would you like to make my wish come true?

I know, you don't owe me anything

I know-- I don't owe you anything

Though you don't owe me anything,

It would have been nice for you to talk to me.

I only want some consistency

For you to tell me that I could talk to you in the way i talked to Kenny

I cling onto those words so desperately

I cling onto those sweet words

Only to watch as tears fall from my eyes

Watch as I read the words that go against those past words

Tears fall from my eyes as you say you don't owe talking to me everyday

I just wish I could talk to you again with a smile.

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