Chapter 3: My Best Friend

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   Eric  Cartman  was lying in bed with his foot hanging  off it. He had been  called  several  times  to come  downstairs  by his mother but kept ignoring  her. It was twenty  minutes  before  he had to  go  to  the  bus stop and Cartman  couldn't  give  a crap.

   He didn't  really  like  school, fourth  grade especially. It was the year a person  was truly experiencing  what homework  and other stupid stuff were truly like. Cartman, at first tried to  be a somewhat  okay student but now four months in, he truly  just gave up. Getting good  grades was too much work  and a waste  of  time, he'd rather be plotting  some  more of his awesome  plans.

    "Eric, sweetie come downstairs! " Liane called  from  downstairs.

     "BUT MAAAAAAAAAM!" Eric  whined "I don't  wanna go to  school!"

   "Eric Now!" Liane yelled  back in a stern voice  she hardly ever used.

Cartman  sighed and slowly  got off his bed. He put on a white t-shirt and brown pants under his red  button  down  coat. He placed his yellow  and  sky blue ski  hat on over his brown hair. Cartman  looked  around  the  room to see  if he needed to  put anything else his bag. There must've  of been a lot of  things but Cartman  didn't  see anything.

  Cartman  walked downstairs  and straight  out the  door. He  walked to the school  bus stop, that was a block away from  him. When he got  there he met up with his three "friends" Stan  Marsh, Kyle  Broflovski  and Kenny  McCormick. Kyle, in Cartman's  opinion, was a no good  sneaky  Jew who was always  giving  gay little  speeches. Kenny was really  poor and kind of annoying  because  he died all  the  time, though Cartman  was one of  the  only  people  aware of  this.  The only  person  in the  group  that Cartman  didn't completely  hate was Stan. He considered  Stan  to be leader of the  group and if he wasn't a complete  hippie, Cartman  would  respect  him. It also  didn't help that Cartman  had a crush on Stan.

   No one  else knew  Cartman's  secret besides one person, Butters  Stotch. Butters  was Cartman's  "Best Friend" and trusted partner in crime. Cartman  and Butters  had become  better friends  since the Cow festival  in third grade. Cartman  and Butters  were almost  always together and shared a lot with each other, though due to  Butters  nativity and innocence  Cartman  couldn't  help  but  prank him sometimes. Though  he didn't care about it at least Cartman  didn't think he did. Butters  was  also very respectful  towards  Cartman's  new found sexuality.

   "Butters," Cartman  had said  pinching his nose with his forefingers  "I'm not  gay  alright,"

    "But you like Stan," Butters  said  confused  "And well  Stan  is a guy  so..."

    "I don't  really  like Stan," Cartman  said  "I just think  he's hot."

    "Eric," Butters  stammered  rubbing  his knuckles  together  "That  means  you  are a homo."

   "No it doesn't," Cartman  said  putting  up his finger in a teacher like manner "If I was gay, I'd be a fag  and I'm not  a  fag!"

  "That's true," Butters  had agreed.  

   Cartman  looked  over at Stan  for a second  before  his face turned red. He knew the guys would   brutally  make fun of  him for  being  attracted to Stan, so he tried to  make  it  as unnoticeable  as possible.

   The bus rolled up  a few minutes  after Cartman  got  there. The four boys walked onto the bus and took their respective seats. Stan  and Kyle took a seat  in the  back of  the  bus. Kenny sat next to  a little  girl that he  had been with since  the  Cow  festival  last year. Cartman  looked  around  the  bus for  a  little  while until  deciding  to  sit next to Butters.

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