Chapter 6: The Truth

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Eric Cartman lay on on his couch completely bored. Though he had been bored almost the entire summer, for he hadn't been allowed to go to camp and all his friends had been. He normally hated his friends but he had to admit he was lonely without them. Especially his best friend.

However Cartman hadn't seen Butters for a few months, since the incident where he had almost ruined the relationship between him and Heidi.

"Damn Her."

Just the thought of that girl made Cartman cringe. It was her fault why Butters wasn't his, her fault why they weren't friends anymore. It was her fault for everything. He wanted them, desperately to break up. But he knew that Butters would just hate him even more, if he tried another scheme.

Liane Cartman, Eric's mom, and Justin Stoves entered the house. Justin was Liane's newest boyfriend. Liane was giggling at something that Justin had said as they entered the living room, where Eric was in. Liane told Justin something then went into the kitchen, so he sat down on the couch besides Cartman.

"Hey Eric," He grinned watching Cartman as the boy watched television.

Cartman ignored him and kept eating his bag of chips. Justin got a little annoyed and nudged him.

"What?" Cartman asked rudely "Can't you see I'm busy?" Though the was doing absolutely nothing.

"What's wrong gayboy? Don't have time for me?" Justin teased.

"Fuck off Justin," Cartman growled pushing him away.

"Aww come on. Don't be like that," Justin said.

Cartman rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

"Now you don't mean that, and put that finger down before your mother comes into the room gay boy," He smirked.

Cartman flushed from anger and tried to ignore him. He ate some more chips and stared at the screen.

"'s being gay?" Justin asked jokingly.

"How's being an asshole?!?" Cartman growled "Because I really couldn't give a shit."

Justin laughed "Well you have anger issues, don't you fag?"

Cartman clenched his fists but tried desperately to ignore Justin. He absolutely hated Justin more than anything. He always made fun of him and even bullied him physically at times.

"Go away Justin," Cartman said feeling as if he was going to blow up.

Justin shook his head and relaxed more on the couch.

"Nah I'm comfortable here," He grinned "Plus my sexy straight self needs time to just relax," He explained closing his eyes.

Cartman glared at Justin "Would you just shut up about that?!" He yelled starting to lose it "Can you just stop being such a fucking asshole and shut up about me being gay?!"

Justin smirked.

"Why? What's wrong faggot? Embarrassed about your sexuality?"

Cartman didn't want to admit it, but he was.

"I'm not embarrassed you're just rubbing in," He said biting his lip.

He wanted to cry but he knew Justin would be a whole lot worse if he did. He wanted to call his mom for help but she had just left the house. The only thing Cartman could do was sit there and take it. For he had no friends to go to and no secret place to hide from the torment.

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