The boy on the roof

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This is for direct thoughts. This is for flashbacks.

In this au, deku starts in middle school, transitioning into highschool. He also has one for all, but doesn't know how to control it. He was born with it rather than it being passed down.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, and this is my story on how I became the number one hero!" My journal began with this simple line, so how did it end up recording my final moments years later?

I close my journal on page 229. This will be my last entry.  I look down at the ground below. I stand hundreds of feet above the swift car lights. It's a warm night, a nice breeze rustles my hair. The clouds on the dawn sky look like cotten candy. Sweet yet impermanent.
I step back, take off my shoes, and take a moment to consider my life. "S'pose it could've been worse," I chuckle to myself. Right.. others have it worse.

I think of everyone who I can remember. Mom... Katsuki... Father. Why should I think of a man of evil at a time like this? Well, I guess he contributes to why I'm here as well.
I need to stop thinking, or I might hesitate.

I step forward. I'm on the edge. One breath, two.

"Maybe I could make it into UA, if I don't jump. It's always been my dream. But it doesn't matter, I'm not good enough. Never have been, never will be. There's no point. Just let yourself fall. Fall into the wind and let it carry you away."  My leg dangles over the edge in temptation. I turn around, facing the rooftop. slowly, I fall backwards until I start to plummet. My heart races and my lungs let out a blood curdling scream.

Wait wait! I.. I'm having regrets, I don't want to go like this! No! NO! It's too scary! Fuck me! FUCK!

Black dots form in my vision. They grow large until they cover my entire sight.

"Izuku! Honey, I've had some thoughts... Maybe you want to go to your dad's? I mean- he's closer to UA and will have a nicer home! I- I don't think I can keep taking care of you.."

"Mom.. but I want to stay with you! Dad seems lame. Why can't I stay with you!?"

"Izuku... I just. I can't afford it. I barely have enough for myself. I want you to live a childhood carefree and not have to worry about if you can eat today."

Well, mom. Pretty ironic, isn't it? If only you were here to see it. I was 5 back then.

The breeze feels just as sharp and as piercing as when I was falling off- wait??? Am I still falling?
My eyes shutter open and for a few seconds I stare confused. I wasn't falling downwards with gravity, rather I was held up above the ground, unable to move. Something's holding me. It feels like fiber. I slowly open my eyes. it's of a tan-ish beige color, at least I think? It's pretty dark. A dark figure drops down beside me, which startles me. He's in control of this fiber.

"Wh- what!? Who!? w-" I struggle in the grip of the fiber, my breath quickening. I'm panicking. Is this a villain? Why would they keep me from hitting the ground? Unless they want me for some villainy use? Please, oh God no. I don't want a painful death, please.

I begin to plead with whoever this dark figure is, "p-please! Just k-kill me quick! I-" A part of the scarf wraps around my mouth. They don't even wanna hear pleads. This is it. Im okay with dying, I want to, but not painfully.
I'm now on my knees on the ground, my pleads muffled by the fiber scarf and the figure approaches me. I recognize him, I think. Goggles, long dark hair... I just can't put my finger on it.

"Alright kid, stop screaming." He's so cold. No passion in his voice at all.
"Imma need you to settle down. Nobody is goint to kill you."

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