General concern

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This is for direct thoughts. Enjoy.

Deku pov

Yesterday was nice. Though, he was very frightening. I do feel, however, that he's changed a bit from middle school. Is that possible? He was so mean! But, I guess I deserved it for being so useless anyway. Right. Yesterday was a one time thing because he needed it. Not me. Him.

I wondered how today was going to be. Good, bad? Stressful, calm? Would the others still be mad at kacchan when I tell them? Right. I had to tell them still.

I walked out of my dorm and into the commons where most were located. Todoroki, koda, kacchan and Ojiro were missing. Still probably asleep. Class wouldn't start for another hour.

"Deku! Was bakugou being mean again? I saw you two left the classroom later than us!" Ochako had rushed up to me.

"U-uh- no. I was actually coming to talk to you about it. The whole class, in fact."

They all looked at me with uncertainty. Except Aoyama. He seemed calm. Untense unlike the others. He's smirking, even.

"Well uhm. He actually h-helped me. I just passed out on him when talking about personal matters. It's my fault he even ran after me!"

"Midobro, you don't have to lie to us if he's making you say this. He's not around right now." Kirishimas words angered me in that instant.

"No! Stop assuming he did something bad for fucks sake! You all made him upset yesterday with your childish behavior, you know!" I scoff at them before turning away. I hear behind me.

"Voir? Les amoureux! ✨" (See? Lovers!)
Huh? I don't speak French what did he say?

I can hear their whispers, even as I walk away. I could grab breakfast, but I'm not really hungry. I'm too fat to eat anyway.

As I walk down the hall, I spot a grumpy kacchan. Woops, looks like I'm totally meant to go in the complete other direction! Morning kacchan is never happy. I turn down another hall before he reaches me. I'm walking down  and I hear his footsteps stop at the beginning of the hall, where I just was.

"Where the fuck are you going? We don't have any classes down there dumbass." His morning voice-

"I just wanted to wander the halls is all! Go eat breakfast with the others. I told them it was my fault. They shouldn't be mad anymore!" I turn to face him as I talk. We're about 20 feet from eachother. He looks at me. His signature glare. He looks me up and down. He huffed and mumbles to himself before coming my way.

"W-wait! Did I say something? Are you mad? Why are you coming down here?" He gets to me and I kinda expect to be insulted and beat. I mean, he always had done that. Instead he grabs my ear and drags me down the hall.

"You need breakfast too, skinny shit." Oh. OH. OH NO.

"N-no I don't. Ah- let go! T-that hurts!" He didn't. Fuck you, you bitch grumpy frayed paintbrush!

"Shut the fuck up. You're eating whether you like it or not." He drags me into the kitchen, a few students watched with confusion.

He grabs some stuff from the fridge and starts cooking, after he made me sit down of course. He's terrifying!

After some time he has two plates of eggs, toast, and bacon. It looks appetizing, but I can't eat it. I can't become fatter. Instead I just stare at him while he eats his.

"You're a fucking twig. How am I supposed to rival with you if you don't fucking eat!? That's like beating up a kid! Eat fucker." I guess he noticed.

"You'd know, wouldn't you." I mumbled. (Bout beating up a kid)
He choked on his food for a second. He looked at me with such angry eyes.

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