Side dish

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Sides, something that comes with any main meal. Something you get to make the next thing coming up taste better. Or to quench a hunger, because something is just not enough. An add on.

“I don't know what I wanna do with my life.” I said as I pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with my lighter. I

t was a cold night, one where you could see your own breath. I sat there, with my other senior friends, smoking under an old bridge. Graffiti all around us, and the top of the old structure blocking our eyes from the sparkling stars above us.

“Well no shit Sherlock, I don't think any of us know. We're probably all gonna end up either at a strip club or homeless.” My friend joked as I frowned at them, turning to face them.

“No. I wanna do something in my life, I wanna make a difference..”

I paused, trying to figure out how to word my emotions correctly.

“I just don't know how.”

“Oh ####, always you and your dumb morals.” My childhood friend said from beside me, his head on my shoulder. I pushed it off and put out my cigarette on his pant leg, leaving a mark.

“Oh fuck off #####.” I shot back, glaring and standing up.

“What, on your period?” He joked, making me clench my fists and bite my inner lip. I swung and met my knuckle with his cheekbone, looking at him seething and holding his jaw, then down to my hand.

My eyes widened, shocked that I really punched him.

And then, I ran. I knew that I couldn't take all of them in a fight, so I ran.

With only the stars above to help me.

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