Main meal

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The main meal, star of the show, why you sat through the whole dinner in the first place. You finally get to choose whatever you please, and get to change bits and pieces to it. Although choices you thought were right while ordering it may have been wrong, and regret in the long run is a common thing.

“I just dont want to fucking breath anymore!” I sobbed, clenching my hair in my fists and crying my eyeballs out.

A hand rubbing my back as I let out my emotions.

“I want my life to end! I want to jump off a cliff!” I screamed as my partner bit his lip, thinking about what their move would be next. “Life fucking sucks.” He said to me as I looked up at them.


“Life fucking sucks, i hate it just as much as you do.”

He leaned down to my face, wiping away a tear on my face.

“But that's life. You can't quit early. Sometimes in life, there's not enough good things to live for. But if you quit early, you never really lived your life.”

I sniffed as they smiled at me, hugging me in a warm comforting embrace.

“The meal of life isn't done until it's finished, you have to wait for death just like you have to wait for dessert. You can't die in your late twenties, because then the rest of your life would go to waste.”

We both got up, walking to the couch of our shared apartment and sat down.

“You just have to sit through dinner, love.”

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