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Hello everyone, I apologize for not really being consistent with story updates... and for also writing so many new stories without finishing the old... I just have so many ideas for so many different things that I can't just stick with the ones I have... Honestly sometimes I lose inspiration for the old stories. Like Stolen Love... All of my inspiration for that is now gone... I would like to finish it but I have no idea where I was even going with it anymore. I also am stuck on the next chapter of The Last of His Kind. I want so badly to finish that one because I think its a really neat story I just have no idea how to get it from the point I have now to the finale... Also, if there is a story you guys like of mine that you would love to see get an update please let me know and I will try my best to work on that one.

Anyway, I am also in a pretty bad place right now, emotionally, financially and physically. I currently do not have a job and am broke af. I have thought about streaming as my current obsession is Genshin Impact, however, I'm really nervous to do so. I don't know how popular I'd be, or if I'd even be worth watching as I'm socially awkward... and kind of a mess... Anyway, sorry for the long update and ramble.

If there is a story you would like me to update let me know! Thanks! Bye!

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