Voltron fanfic update!

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Hey everyone, I know I have a lot of stories I need to update but I have recently been rewatching all of Voltron so the ideas for that fanfiction have been flooding into my mind so I've been working on its next chapter. I hope to have it up soon and I will also try updating my fairy tail fic soonish too cause I recently rewatched up to Lauxus' betrayal with the fantasia parade. So... we will see how things go. Thank you all very much for your patience with me through this very bad time in my life.

I did edit the two photos up above together on Adobe draw. It's an amazing app and I love using it to draw my art. It's so simple and easy to use. Anyways, I found the two photos both on Google, I did not draw them myself I just borrowed the art work and edited them both together using that app.

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