Chapter 6

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Minho and Chan enter the school parking lot in Chan's brand new Mercedes. The other student watch in awe as Chan whips the car into his special parking space close to the school's entrance. They grab their backpacks and head into the school.

"Goodmorning, gentlemen." says a man as they pass by in the hallway. They stop to look behind them.

"Oh, hi Principal Bang," says Minho with a bright smile.

Chan sighs and a smirk forms on his face. "Hi, dad," he says.

"Almost late aren't we boys?" Chan's dad, the principal, replies.

"We were actually headed to the cafeteria first for some breakfast." Chan says.

"Well, better hurry. Class starts in ten minutes!" his dad says as he heads off down a hallway.

"Ugh..," Chan sighs. "It's like his job is just to embarrass me."

Minho puts his hand on Chan's shoulder and says, "well, he certainly likes to." They burst out in laughter as they head to the cafeteria.

~moments later~

The bell rings for class to start just as Seungmin enters the classroom of his first class. He takes his seat in the back next to Hyunjin's, who is not there yet.

"Okay, everybody listen up!" the teacher yells to get everyone's attention. The student hurry to their desks and sit down, giving the teacher their undivided attention.

The teacher continues, "we had a math department meeting this morning, and we have noticed that there are several students who are not starting off this school year with good grades. So, to get you guys caught up, there will be tutoring for those who need it."

The students let out a big sigh. Last years tutoring was very intense. The upperclassmen who were just eager to graduate had to tutor them. And more often than not, they would slack off and leave the students to learn everything on their own.

"I know, I know. Last year didn't turn out how we had hoped. However," the teacher continues, "this year we have decided that there will be a major change!" she says excitedly.

The door is opened and Hyunjin hurriedly gets to his seat. He and Seungmin greet each other with a smile, before he turns to the teacher to pay attention.

The students lean in, anticipating what they teacher has to say.

"You all will be tutored by your own classmates. Those who are doing very well will help the others learn better and succeed as well!"

The student shout with joy! They are excited that they will be learning from their friends and not the lazy upperclassmen.

"In your desks will be a yellow card or a blue card. The yellow cards mean that you need help and that you will need tutoring. The name of your tutor will be on the yellow card," she explains.

The students start to pull out their cards. Some are yellow and some are blue.

"The blue cards are for the tutors. You guys will be tutoring the student whose name is on your card. If you have someone's name on your card, they should have yours on theirs as well.

The students read the names and look around the class room to find their person.

Seungmin looks down at his card, and a smile forms on his face.

Jeongin turns around and asks, "so, who'd you get, Seungmin?"

"I got-," Seungmin starts to say.

"Me." Hyunjin says with a shy smile.

assigned seats || seungjinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon