Chapter 5

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The three boys head out of the classroom once the bell rings.

"Where is your next class, Seungmin?" asks Jisung.

"It's near the science classes. That's where Hyunjin told me it'd be." Seungmin replies. He looks at Jisung and Felix and realizes that they are staring blankly at him.

"Sorry, it's just going to take some getting used to. We've never been so close to someone who's been so close to Hyunjin before." Felix explains.

"and Minho," include Jisung, his pupils forming the shape of hearts.

Seungmin giggles at this and waves goodbye to his new friends. He begins his journey to his next class, which takes him an entire 7 minutes. This school was bigger than he thought.

Throughout the day he noticed that the students here were most impressed by looks rather than intelligence. Good thing he was blessed with both.

His first day of school was a success, well, he survived.

Seungmin lives fairly close to the school so he starts to walk home. As he starts to walk, there is a tap on his shoulder. He turns around to see Felix.

"Hey, Seungmin! You walking this way,too?"

"Hey Felix! Yeah, I only live a few blocks away from here."

"Oh cool, can we walk together? I hate walking alone and Jisung has somewhere to be after school today."

"Of course!" Seungmin replies, "you live around here, too?" he asks as they start to walk together.

"Yep! I've lived in this town my whole life. I know mostly everyone from around here, and my mother owns a popular boutique near downtown. This is a pretty small town so most people know everything about each other. It can be overwhelming sometimes."

"Yeah, I bet. I'm from a big city where there are a lot of people here and there, so its easy to kind of blend in and get lost in the crowd."

"oh! what brings your family here?"

"we inherited a house that my grandfather used to live in before he passed away"

"w-would your grandfather happen to be Dr. Kim?"

"Yeah! You knew him?"

"Yep. Small town. He was actually the towns only doctor."


"Yep. Anyway, I'm sorry about your loss."

"Thank you, but I didn't really know him. He and my mother never really talked. I've only ever met him twice."

"He was really nice. The whole town loved him! He was a lot like you actually. Kind, smart, and friendly."

"I only ever heard stories of how mean and controlling he was. My mother seemed to resent him."

"Oh! Actually, this is me." Felix says as he looks up and sees his house.

"Well then, it was nice talking to you. I'm glad I was atleast able to make one friend on my firstf day and I'm happy it's you." replies Seungmin.

"Me too! And you'll make many more soon i'm sure. But be carefull. In a small town like this people are bored and will do anything to amuse themselves. People can be mean." says Felix, looking down at his shoes with a sad expression.

Seungmin recognizes this but doesn't want to pry.

"See you at school tomorrow?" Seungmin asks with a big smile.

"Yeah, sure!" Felix says with a smile before walking up and entering the house.

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