Chapter 2

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~at the classroom~

"okay, it's been long enough. no one has the answer to number three? do you think i'm just supposed to give it to you? a few more minutes on this." sighs the teacher.

the door opens and Hyunjin comes into the classroom.

"hey, Hyunjin is here." says one of the girls in the class. the class greets him, loudly, because there's no doubt that he is one of the most popular guys in the school. literally everyday there's another girl confessing her feelings to him, or another guy trying to size him up to look cool.

no one really knows anything about him except that he loves to dance, and that his other friends: Chan, Minho, Jeongin, and Changbin, are really popular, too. Chan and Changbin are in a group with a mysterious rapper that no one, not even Chan and Changbin knows the identity of.

they just send music back and forth with him through the internet because he is too shy to reveal himself, but they know he is an amazing rapper.

Hyunjin is actually really shy around others and finds it hard to make new friends.

Hyunjin apologizes for being late and takes his seat in the back. being that nobody sits next to him, he always puts his book bag into the chair next to him. unzipping the book bag, he pulls out his notebook and gets started on the problems on the board.

"alright, class. your few minutes are over. does anyone, anyone in the whole 29 students in this class, have the answer to number three?"

no one answers. they all just look at her, because if they wait long enough, they know she will give them the answer.

"okay, okay. the-" she starts to say, however the door to the classroom is once again opened and everyone watches as Seungmin walks into the classroom.

"um, hello. is this classroom 207?" he asks.

"oh! yes! are you the new student?" says the teacher.

"new student?" says the class. they start to whisper amongst themselves. "oh my gosh, he's really handsome." says some of the girls. "he's tall, too. you think he's any good at sports?" says some of the guys.

Hyunjin is falling asleep in the back of the classroom at his desk when he notices the classroom has suddenly become really chatty. he looks up and meets eyes with a boy standing at the front of the classroom, talking to the teacher. he recognizes him. it's the boy he bumped in to in the hallway.

"so, how about you introduce yourself to the class." says the teacher.

"oh, okay. hi, everyone. my name is Kim Seungmin."

"nice to meet you, Seungmin." says the class.

"well, take a seat in the back, in that empty desk." the teacher instructs.

Seungmin walks to the back of the classroom with a bright smile. the same bright smile he had the first time him and Hyunjin met. the sunlight from the classroom window was illuminating his skin perfectly as he swept his hair back with his hand, his puppy-like brown eyes fixed on Hyunjin's. all of the girls gasped at his gestures and the boys envied him for it.

"well, i guess you've seen me around again." he said softly to Hyunjin as he stood at the desk. Hyunjin moved his book bag and Seungmin sat down.

Hyunjin just smiled, shyly, which made Seungmin giggle a little.

"so, can i know your name now?" asked the younger.

Hyunjin averted his gaze to Seungmin, admiring how nice and soft his skin looked and how cute his puppy-like eyes were. thinking of puppies reminded him of his dog, kkami.

"yeah, um... it's Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin." he said, extending his hand for the younger to shake it.

"nice to meet you, Hyunjin." Seungmin said, shaking Hyunjin's hand.

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