Chapter 8

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~the next day at school~

"You guys, I really need this camping trip. Seungmin you have perfect timing. I have been dealing with a lot lately and I just need some time to relax and have fun with my friends," says Felix.

They have a free period today, so Seungmin, Felix, and Jisung lay on the grass in the school courtyard. The student in the courtyard are doing the same, laughing and playing games, spending time with their friends or lovers. The weather is nice so everyone wants to be out in the courtyard getting some fresh air.

"Yes, I can't wait to be away from all the stressors that life bring. I just want to be out in the wilderness, chilling with my two best friends," Jisung adds.

Seungmin clears his throat. He is nervous about the reactions he's about to receive from the others.

"well technically," he says, "it won't necessarily be just the theee of us. It'll be eight."

Felix and Jisung share confused looks. "Eight people? We know five other people?" Felix asks.

"I don't. You guys are my only friends," says Jisung.

"Well I was actually told to invite you guys," Seungmin explains.

"Told by who?" asks Jisung.

"Um...Chan," Seungmin says quickly.

"WHAT?!" says Felix.


Minho clutches his pencil in his fist. He looks down at the test on his desk, staring at every word, but nothing is making sense to him. He is getting frustrated as he heard the ticking of the clock in the classroom. Time is passing by quickly and he hasn't been able to figure out a few questions.

"They aren't multiple choice, so I actually have to really think about these," he thinks to himself.

Twenty minutes go by and the timer goes off for them to end the test. Minho sits still in his seat, looking down at the scribbles on his sheet. He knows what he came up with isn't the right answer, but it's the best he can do, which angers him even more.

He looks around the room and spots Changbin quickly trying to erase and correct answers on his sheet. The teacher comes by to collect them, and dismisses the students from class.

Outside the classroom Changbin waits for Minho. "Hey, how'd you do?" he says as Minho walks out of the classroom.

"I don't think I got anything right. I didn't get much sleep last night after dance practice with Hyunjin. We're preparing for a competition so we have to practice a lot more these days."

Chan walks up and says, "hey guys, what's up?" He tosses a soccer ball around in his hands. Chan is the captain of the soccer team. He wasn't very good at the beginning of high school, but he was determined to practice hard and become one of the best. He has been the captain for two years in a row now, and is very humble about his success.

"You ready for your game tonight?" asks Changbin.

"I'm always ready to crush another teams soul, and break down their spirits on the field," he says with a smile.

"Yeah, uh, okay," Changbin replies.

~at Jisung's locker~

"absolutely not, Seungmin," Jisung says. "Two days in the woods with THE Hwang Hyunjin, Chan the star soccer player, Changbin the favorite rapper of everyone in the school, and Lee Minho, my archenemy? Absolutely not."

"Yeah, that about sums it up Minnie," Felix says, "you see, Jisung and I are what you would call 'social outcasts'. We don't hang out with cool kids and they certainly don't hang out with us."

"Guys, it's fine. You're going to be coming with me. Chan said I could invite you guys," Seungmin replies.

"Oh yeah? Did he happen to name us, you know, by our names?" Jisung says sarcastically.

"No, he didn't, but he never specifically said to not bring you either." Seungmin says.

"I may not be the sharpest tool in the shoe box," Felix says, "but that sounded like reverse psychology."

Jisung rolls his eyes. "It's a tool box, Felix," he says.

Seungmin laughs at their silliness as Jisung and Felix go back and forth about who is right. In the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of Hyunjin a few lockers down, so he decides to walk over to talk about their upcoming tutoring session.

"So," Seungmin says walking up to Hyunjin. Hyunjin turns and looks him into his eyes. "When do you want to meet up for our first tutoring session?" he asks with a big smile.

"Oh, well I, uh," Hyunjin stutters. "I have dance practice everyday after school and most of the day on the weekends," he says.

"Hmm, I see. How late do you practice?" asks Seungmin.

"Usually until 11 or 12 at night. But since we are preparing for a competition, we don't get out of practice until around 1 or 2 in the morning."

"Really? Don't they know you have school?"

"Yeah, they know, but this program is really competitive and only the best make it through. I've been dreaming of this since I was little, so to me, it's all worth it."

Seungmin can see the joy in Hyunjin's face when he talks about dance. He can tell that by all the hard work and dedication he puts into his dancing means that it's something he really cares about.

"Well how about this. Here's my number," Seungmin says, grabbing a pen and small notebook from a pocket on his backpack. Seungmin writes down the numbers on a sheet of paper and rips it out. He grabs Hyunjin's hand and places the paper in it.

"On nights you get out at 11 or 12, we'll meet in the morning, and the nights you get out at 1 or 2, we can maybe squeeze in a few minutes before or after lunch," Seungmin says.

"In the morning? I can barely make it to school at regular time. I'm sorry, Seungmin, but-,"

"If you don't get your grades up will you still be able to dance?" asks Seungmin.

Hyunjin searches for an answer. He knows the answer is no, but he wants to believe otherwise.

"When is the dance competition?" Seungmin asks.

"It's in three weeks," Hyunjin says.

"The next test is in three weeks as well," Seungmin says. "Hyunjin, I know I can't make you give up practice time for study time, but tutoring you or not tutoring you, it still effects me either way. I want you to do better in class, and I also want to be the one that's there for you, to rely on."

Hyunjin looks into Seungmin's eyes and is so surprised by his words. He feels his heart skip a beat, and his mouth becomes dry.

"O-Okay Seungmin," Hyunjin says, "I'll text you every night when I leave practice, and when I leave earlier, we'll meet in the morning, and when I leave later, we'll meet before or after lunch."

Satisfied with Hyunjin's compliance, Seungmin gives him a big bright smile and turns back to rejoin Felix and Jisung.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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