Chapter 3

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"now, back to this math problem"  the teacher says, "the answer is-"

"two-hundred eleven meters." says a voice from the back of the class.

everyone turns around in surprise to see who it came from, and to their surprise, it was Seungmin who found the answer.

"huh?" asks the teacher, in amazement.

"the answer. it's two-hundred eleven meters." he reassures.

everyone looks back to the teacher for confirmation. "th-that's correct!" she says. they are all amazed. Seungmin has only been in the class for 10 minutes and has already solved the problem that no one could figure out.

"well then, let's move on to the next one." the teacher says. She continues to put questions on the board as Seungmin immediately gets the right answer. Hyunjin is very intrigued by his intelligence. before everyone knows it, it's lunch time.

on their way to lunch, Hyunjin and Jeongin meet up with Minho. he's standing by a locker with Changbin and Chan. after they get their lunch they head to their table and start eating.

"hey, i heard there's a new kid in your class and that he's ridiculously smart." says Minho.

"yep! and he's really cool and nice and looks like a cute puppy!" says Jeongin. "i invited him to eat lunch with us, too."

"cool." says Minho, who's half listening. he can't take his eyes off of someone sitting across the cafeteria, someone he's been crushing on since they first met.

"you're drooling," Changbin chuckles.

"am not." Minho says defensively.

"haha just go talk to him before he catches you staring." Changbin laughs.

Minho ignores the younger and goes back to his staring, which he likes to call "observing."

"um, hi guys." a voice says. it's Seungmin.

"heyy! Seungmin!" Jeongin says excitedly, "everyone this is Seungmin. Seungmin, this is Minho, Chan, and Changbin. they're seniors."

"hey, Seungmin," says Minho.

"nice to meet you," says Chan.

"woah, you do look like a cute puppy." says Changbin, which makes Seungmin giggle.

"thank you, i get that a lot." replies Seungmin. he sits down next to Jeongin, across from Hyunjin.

"so, Seungmin," says Chan, "how's your first day going so far?"

"it's actually been great! i didn't expect to make new friends on my first day." Seungmin replies.

"aww, we're glad your here!" Jeongin smiles.

Hyunjin stays quiet. he's curious about the younger, but is too shy to talk to him right now. he quietly sits and eats his food while everyone else chats.

After lunch, Seungmin goes to his next class which is art. he walks into the class and sees an empty seat next to a boy at a table with three seats. he realizes it's the boy that Minho was staring at during lunch.

the boy has blond hair and the cheeks of a cute, tiny squirrel. he is playing a game on his phone and eating a sandwich.

"hey, um... can i sit here?" Seungmin shyly asks.

the boy looks up to him with his cheeks full of food, and his eyes beautifully twinkled in the light. "sure," he says, continuing to chew on his food. "are you new here?"

"yes," replies Seungmin, "my name is Seungmin. Kim Seungmin."

"nice to meet you, Seungmin," the boy says extending his hand for Seungmin to shake it, "im-"

"Han Jisung!" screams a voice from someone walking into the classroom.

it's another boy with light pink hair who looks like a kitten. he walks over to the table and sits down in the chair, not even noticing Seungmin because of how happy he looked.

"you will literally never guess what just happened to me!" he says.

"yeah," Jisung says to Seungmin, looking away from the pink haired boy, "that's my name. Han Jisung."

Seungmin shakes his hand, "it's nice to meet you, Jisung." he smiles.

"this is Felix, my best friend." Jisung says.

Seungmin looks at Felix and says, "hi, im Seungmin. it's nice to meet you."

"it's nice to meet you, too, Seungmin," Felix replies with a smile.

"so, what is it that I will never guess happened?" Jisung asks sarcastically.

"he talked to me. i couldn't believe it. it was like my heart exploded in my chest!"

"who?" asked Seungmin, "i mean, if you don't mind me asking."

"Changbin! he's a senior." says Felix, enthusiastically.

"who he's so in love with," Jisung says to Seungmin.

"and you're not in love with Minho?" sneers Felix.

"tsk. that jerk? hell no." says Jisung.

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