Chapter 1

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"Goodmorning, class.."

The teacher has entered the room but no one seems to notice because of the rowdiness of the students. Everyone is zoning into a new song that's been playing all over the place lately: in restaurants, grocery stores, and especially at parties.

it's Dragon Three by 3racha, a group of students who attend their school. Two of them are very popular among the students, Chan and Changbin. They rap under the names CB97 and SPEARB. The third rapper of the group is an anonymous rapper that goes by the rap name, J.ONE. Chan and Changbin don't know his identity, but they send music back and forth with him because he's a great rapper and songwriter.

the teacher clears her throat and addresses the classroom again.

"Excuse me, I said good morning,"

now, everyone turns to her, sighing as the song is turned off and they have to take out their books now.

"i'll call the roll now," she says sternly. her ideal morning doesn't exactly involve a rowdy bunch of students who only want to listen to music and noisily sing along.

she goes through the list and all the students reply, "here," until she gets to one name that almost never answers because he is often very late to class.

"Hwang Hyunjin,"

there is no answer, and all the students look to his seat, which is at the very back of the classroom. the students have their desks in pairs, Hyunjin being the only one who doesn't have anyone sitting beside him.

"Hwang. Hyunjin," she repeats impatiently.

"he's not here. he's probably going to be late again," says one of his best friends who sits in the desk in front of him, Yang Jeongin.

"Mr.Yang, can you please explain to your friend the importance of being here on time." instructs the teacher.

"he knows, ma'am. It's just that he stays so late at dance practice that he often doesn't wake up on time." replies Jeongin.

"well, let's see if he will start to put that much dedication into his school work, too." she replies.

~at the front office~

"mom, i'm going to be okay, geez. it's just a new school."

"i know Seungmin, but you know how mean kids can be these days. i just want you to be safe."

"i understand, mom."

"hello, Mr. Kim, here is your class schedule." says a woman handing him his schedule. he looks at the classes and finds his first class.

"thank you."

Seungmin looks over the schedule once more before looking back at his mom.

"what does it say? do you have the advanced classes you asked for? what's your first class, come on. i'll walk you."

"wait wait, mom. im in highschool now, i don't need you to walk me to class anymore. it's okay. after school today, i'll find some time to call you."

"you better. it worries me to death for you to be here all alone. i wish your sister could go here with you."

"its okay, mom. i have to head to class now. i'm already late from waiting on my schedule."

"okay, bye honey. love you."

Seungmin walks off, towards the hallway outside of the office, to get to his first class.

"call me later, sweetheart." he hears from his mother as he is walking away.

"mom," he whines, "this is a new school. can you not call me that?"

"okay okay"

Seungmin swiftly walks to class, not looking where he is going, instead looking down at his schedule to make sure he is going in the right direction. that is until he bumps into a tall figure and nearly falls to the floor, however, the tall boy caught him and helped him up.

"be careful and watch where you're going" the tall boy says softly.

"th-thank you," Seungmin replies, his heart fluttering at the tall boys words.

the tall boy seems to be in a hurry but makes sure that Seungmin is okay.

"maybe this guy is..late?" Seungmin thinks. "hey, by the way, what's your name?" he says.

the older boy seems a little shy now that he sees Seungmin's face, who is looking into his eyes wearing a bright smile. his heart flutters a bit.

"um, i'm kind of in a hurry. you must be new. how about this? if i see you around again, i'll tell you." the tall boy said, and just like that he was rushing down the hallway, going the same direction in which Seungmin's class was.

"maybe i should ask him if i'm going in the right direction." Seungmin thought, watching the tall boy flee down the hallway. "nevermind, it can't be that hard to find."

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