Fall, The Season-(3)

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Nicholas, he's the one I've been talking so good about.

We met in the beginning of the school year this year, in the Fall.

Now of course it would be the season of Fall, that's what my life is all about lately, falling, Fall. What else could it be. 

Nicholas Landon, he's a junior too, and he was not my type.

~~Flashback to the beginning of the school year, September 6th~~

I walked out of science with Cass and we headed to our lockers. Her locker was right beside mine which was so convenient. 

She was talking about something, probably about cheer this year, she's always been in love with acting like she's the popular bitchy cheerleader.

When really, she's just vanilla cinnamon roll.

She is a vanilla, she likes vanilla, it's her favorite flavor in everything and her favorite perfume. Don't tell her but, she uses too much of that perfume, but I love the smell of it, it's nostalgic.

She does her makeup every morning but she does a natural look. She still uses enough to where you know she's wearing it though.

I grabbed my Math book and my English and closed my locker.

"Jeez, who pissed you off today!?" Cass said after she closed her locker.

"What?" I questioned.

"Who pissed you off, why'd you slam your locker?"

"Nobody, I guess I didn't mean to. Sorry!" I kind of announced.

Cass looked at me and said, "It's alright, but are you sure you're ok, you seem a little on edge?"

I wasn't.

"I'm fine, really." I told her even though I knew she wouldn't listen. 

I looked at her to see if she surrendered. "You don't believe me?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, "Nope! But whatever!"

I turned my head forward and rolled my eyes with my eyes closed and then suddenly someone's books hit my right in the nose.

It was bleeding, I don't think it broke but it hurt.

"OW! Oh my God, oh my God!" I screamed.

"Oh my God are you okay, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, are you okay?" A boy said frantically, picking up his books.

"What the hell, of course she's not okay, can't you see, you probably broke her nose you idiot!" Cass screamed at him.

He backed up and said, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to, do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?"

Cassidy put her hand in front of his face, "I can do that, just go on."

"I'm ok, I'm ok, Cass be nice, it's not broken. Wait!" I said to the anonymous boy as he started walking off. "You can take me, it is the least you can do. Cass, take my books and tell the teacher that I'm in the nurse's office and that I will be right there. You, come with me."

I motioned my hand at the boy for him to follow me to the nurses office, which was luckily not very far, because I was starting to feel lightheaded.

We came into the office and the boy told the receptionist that I needed the nurse as I grabbed a few Kleenexes and held them up to my nose, then sat down.

"Nick." The boy said, sitting down beside me.

I gave him a questioning look.

He pointed to himself and said, "I'm Nick, or Nicholas."

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