Pushed And Fell-(6)

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My hand and arm stung as I woke up, the memories of the day before piling in.

All that had happened, hurting my head. Too much had happened and now I had a headache. Starting the day great Andrea.

I heard foot steps heading towards my room and I got out of bed realizing why I had a headache and remembering what I had done when I stood up. 

I rushed to put my hoodie on and some leggings before she could open my door, or knock on it. I had to use the bathroom anyway and take some ibuprofen for my headache, so I unlocked the door and right when I opened it my mom had lifted her hand to knock.

"Woah, don't hit me, what'd I do?" I said jokingly, putting my hands up in fake surrender and inched out of my room.

She gave me a deathly motherly stare and said in a very serious tone, "Well, you slapped your father for one, then you stormed off. Are you okay?" She grabbed my arm and I winced, I instantly wriggled out of her grip. "Andrea, you didn't." 

"Mom, I didn't, you grabbed me too hard." It had reminded me of what happened that dreadful day, the bruises. I closed my eyes and tried hard to fight back the tears from the memories.

~~Flashback to May 25th, 2021~~

I was walking with Cass around the mall, we were shopping for new clothes because she wanted me to start fresh with everything because I had finally broke every form of contact online with him. 

She was proud of me so she decided she would spoil me and buy me stuff, we were also going to go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse later. I was excited and all, and happy because we were doing this and having fun, but something was off. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy or even overjoyed that what happened, happened, but I can't help but feel, anxious, stressed, or even terrified that he would do something to me if he ever got the chance.

The chance, what the hell am I even thinking, when in the hell am I going to be in the same vicinity as him.

"Umm, don't look now but, he is working in the ice cream shop, as the scooper." FUCK! 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Let's just go to Braum's, I think I'm done shopping anyway." I replied.

There is no way in hell I'm going in that shop ever again, as long as he's there.

We turned around and Cass kept looking back every once in a while for reassurance that he wasn't going to follow us or that he even saw us.

Cass whispered while "Ok don't make it obvious but we need to walk faster he is following us." 

I started running not caring if Cass was right beside me or behind me, I just needed to get away from him and away from the public or else I would embarrass myself by breaking down and crying in front of everybody.

I turned my head to look back at Cass and held up my phone signaling that I would text her or call her to tell her where I was going or where I would be. 

I ran all the way to the nearest bathroom, which was honestly a little farther than I previously anticipated, and went into an open stall to catch my breath and also go to the bathroom. 

I went to wash my hands and then I texted Cass that I was in the east bathroom by the Sephora.  The bathroom was really nice and big, it had a little relax area so I sat down on the couch.

I waited for a while and kept texting Cass, asking her where she was because she was taking a long time. She told me she had gotten held up in conversations with other friends and that she finally was able to leave them and come for me.

The door to the restroom opened and I sighed with relief when it closed but that relief was temporary when I realized who had walked through it.

I had stood up instantly and backed up closer to the stalls and had to catch my breath before I started hyperventilating. I could barely get my words out and before I even could get one word out he started speaking.

"Listen, I get that you may hate me but I just wanted to say that I was sorry, for how I treated you and I'm sorry for how we left things." Jacob said almost tearing up, but I knew it was fake because he a manipulator.

"Jacob. I don't want to talk you, please leave me alone." I said as confident as possible. I glanced up and saw his fake tears go to pure anger and I backed up a bit more and I hit the wall. 

Still looking down I had almost lost a tear because I was honestly scared of what he was capable of and what could happen.

I heard a small click and looked up where he was standing by the door and his hand on the lock. 

"Andrea, I want you to know that I miss you, and I want you back. Just listen, please." He said again on the verge of tears, but this time his eyes were filled with real sadness but they also had anger mixed in.

"I-uh, I don't want to, why did you lock the door?" I looked him in the eyes with sincerity, trying to be a little sympathetic. Trying not to get too worked up I walked closer to the door and said, "Jacob, please move, or unlock the door." 

"Why, just so you can leave me again?!" He asked.

"Yes that is exactly why, I'm sorry but I really don't care that you miss me and I don't really want to hear what you have to say, move or unlock the door," I said loudly, I waited a few seconds to see how he would react and what he would say but I really wanted to leave. "NOW, move Jacob!"

He backed up against the door frame and crossed his arms. I was not going to touch him to make him move so I sped-walked over to the couch and sat down warily while pulling my phone out of my pocket and I texted Cassidy telling her everything. 

"Cassidy get a security guard or something, Jacob came in and locked the door and he wont move so I can't unlock it, please hurry!!" 

Instantly she opened it and texted back, "It's okay, I'm gonna find a security guard."

"Found one! I'm coming." She texted a few seconds later.

There was a click then the door was pushed open and there was Cassidy with a very tall and buff security guard, he was taller than Jacob.

Jacob was pushed forward with the door than he backed away from it and hid behind it so he wouldn't get in trouble for being in the woman's bathroom.

The security guard, Jax, saw him hide and he went over to him and grabbed his arm lightly and pulled him over in front of the door. 

"Sir, do you want to tell me what you were doing in the woman's restroom?" Jax asked him.

"Gladly, I was giving my girlfriend some menstrual products, this bathroom didn't have the right one's that she needed." 

"Is this true ma'am?" 

I shook my head no and I was resisting myself from yelling at Jacob and from telling Jax what was really happening but I just told him the little things, that he just wanted to talk to me in private.

"We were having a private conversation, I didn't think he needed to lock the door sorry for that." I told Jax.

He nodded and replied, "It's okay, Sir, I need you to leave. And ma'am? I'm sorry you had to deal with that, you have a good day." 

"Thank you, you have a good day too." I replied. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 14 ⏰

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