When His Gaze Dropped-(4)

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Me and Nick walked a little more when he stopped.

He was at his classroom, finally. He looked up at me and waved a little wave and smiled.

I smiled a little smile too and continued walking to my class, I only made it a few more steps when someone grabbed my hand and turned me around for a hug.

It was Nick, and I was caught by a real surprise when he pulled away and said, "I'm sorry. See you later."

He turned around, looked at the floor and kept walking towards his classroom and I watched as he disappeared into the room.

I watched that door for a few more seconds for some reason, as if he was gonna come back out.

I went back to my classroom and found a seat by Cass. That's all I did in that hour, and the next.

I sat there, thinking about what else could've happened. Not like I wanted something to happen, just, overthinking I guess.

As I got out of English, my 4th hour, I saw Nick in front of me and I was so spaced out that I didn't realize he was in that hour with me.

I rushed around people to walk beside him and I asked, "Hey, I was super spaced out, what was the teacher talking about?"

He looked over at me confused why I was talking to him after he hurt me and annoyed me.

I looked him in the eyes with genuine question before he finally spoke up, "Uhm, just this book report on a book called Verity. I don't know what it's about. He said we needed to partner up with someone and that we could choose our partner and we had to have one by tomorrow."

"Oh, well, since I wasn't listening during class, do you want to be my partner?" I was seriously doubting that he would say yes, and I was kind of hoping he wouldn't. I honestly didn't even know why I asked in the first place, but he agreed by nodding and we exchanged numbers then went our separate ways, for now.

~~Time skip to the end of the school day~~

I had told Cassidy all about Nick and what we talked about and she insisted that I take her home with me and have an all night talk about it but I wasn't feeling it so I denied her request by making up some stupid excuse.

"I'm sorry, you can't, my family is having a get together tonight, so my mom said no friends." I told her trying to make it sound believable.

She rolled her eyes, like always and said, "I know you're lying but whatever, I'll let you two do what you want." She raised her eyebrows up and down in a mischievous way and turned away from my car waving above her head and basically screaming, "Bye bye babe!"

"Byye!" I said getting into my car.

I started my car and got a notification. For some reason I eagerly grabbed my phone, hoping that is was Nick. It wasn't, it was Cass. She sent a picture of me, and after I opened it, I looked towards the angle of which the picture was taken and saw her duck. After another few seconds, she sent a video of me just moments before.

I put my phone away and rolled my eyes. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

~~Time skip to when she arrives at home~~

When I pulled up into my driveway I saw an unfamiliar car parked where I usually park. A white Pontiac Bonneville. Never seen it in my life, but it was a cool car, it looked old with a little rusted spots but it was a nice car.

I got out of my car after I parked behind my mom's car, hoping she didn't have to leave before our guest left and I could have my parking back.

When I got into the house I put my bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen to find my mom and my dad in the kitchen talking.

Now this may sound normal but my dad left us when I was 12. It's been 5 years and he finally decides to come back. 

They both greeted me like it was normal for him to be here. Which again, it's not.

My mom came over and hugged me while he just gave a simple wave and a small smile.

"How was your day sweetie?" My mom questioned looking at my eyes that were filled with disbelief and disgust.

"Good, this boy named Nick is going to be my partner on a book report, so I need to go start on that." I said, desperately trying to escape this situation.

"Hold on Andrea. We need to talk to you, I do specifically." Richard said.

"About what?" I asked, trying to hold back rolling my eyes.

I held it back but when he replied I lost it.

"We need to talk about why I'm back." He replied seriously, I lost it and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, we do, we need to talk about how you just decided to go rogue and leave us when I was 12, when Rosie was 5, when mom needed you the most! When I needed you the most!" I screamed, holding back tears. I didn't mean to say that, I didn't need him, especially not now, I won't ever need him. 

That was harsh but it's true, I did at that moment need him, but he left, so right then, I vowed to never trust him again, and I decided that I would never need him again.

His eyes widened and then he looked down at the floor, trying to figure out what to say to that random outburst.

I took this as an opportunity and slapped him across the face, I knew I might regret it later but I needed it. After I slapped him I turned around quickly and ran into the living room, grabbed my bag from the couch and ran up to my room.

I didn't slam the door either, I didn't want to get in more trouble if any. I locked it though, and plopped on my bed with a sigh, holding my hand. I think I might've slapped him a little too hard.

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