Chapter Two

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I turn off my car, grab my bag and get out of my car. I start to walk when I hear people behind me making stupid comments. "Why hasn't she killed herself yet?" "She's still alive?" "I thought she was dead already." "She should just do it already" "She needs to kill herself already." "Nobody wants her." and my favorite one, "No one will miss her."

The funny thing is I know exactly who that one came from. Jamie. Jamie was my first boyfriend. We dated from sophomore to junior year. We broke up because he didn't want to "try to be with someone who is negative all the time." I mean I get that I have my moments but seriously!

After we broke up I launched deeper into my depression. That day I cried for hours and I made new cuts for each month we where together. It was the day before our 1 year anniversary so I just added 12. Always round up correct?

Anyways, he tried to come back after me. He showed up at my door almost every day and told me that he loved me and he was sorry for everything. The last time was last tuesday. I don't buy that bull. So in reality, his comment is as fake as his tan.

On any other day I would've just ignored the comment. He says the same thing everyday. But today was different. It was the last time I would ever see this jackass. So you know what.

"That's not what you said last week." I snap back while all eyes turn to me.

"So she speaks?" Jamie's friend Dylan says while adding a chuckle.

"Yes I can speak. I just watch what I say unlike you." I rolled my eyes.

"You look good today Nicole." Said Jamie. Oh hell no. Not today.

"F*** off." I said while trying to walk past him. But Jamie's massive build stood in my way.

"Nicole. Do you understand how nice I'm being. I'm trying to make you feel good about your ugly pathetic existence."

"At least my life has more purpore then yours." I triumphantly stated.

"Aww look she thinks she's sassy. She just looks like a pathetic turtle." Dylan said, "Old and-"

"I will have you know that turtles are one of the most greatest reptiles they have-" Damn. What the hell is wrong with me. I'm trying to sass them not bore them with a lecture on turtles. "You know what I don't have time for your stupidity, it only shows that you have a maturity level of a three year-old."

"Changed your strategy mid-sentance? Realized that you were being too lame?" Jamie shot back.

"I would roll my eyes but they would probably roll out of my head." I said confidently.

"Maybe you would look less revolting. You should try it." Said Dylan

"I will look better then you ever could!" I said with my confidence level at an all-time high.

"You will always look like a turt-. Oh wait. Let me not say it. I don't want another lecture." Dylan retorted earning a bunch of chuckles from the other students.

Really. Did no one realize that my comebacks where actually good? They were good right? Before I had time to respond I was being shoved by my ex and all of his friends. One above shot me flying back. I hit my head on the wall behind me. No one cared. Dylan held my head as they took turns punching me in the face.

Maybe I should've stayed quiet that day.

Or maybe I was just getting what I deserved.

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