Chapter 2

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6 years earlier...

"So you haven't gotten through to her since then", I sighed on the phone as I spoke to Jose

"No she only called that she would be outta town, did something happen between you guys?"

"Yeah, it was a misunderstanding but I didn't get the chance to explain to her before she left"

"Sorry about that, don't stress though she will still have to come to University by September"

"Yeah I guess, thank you" I sighed as I hung up. I don't want to wait till September

I packed up my remaining luggage and left the dorm for my apartment, I will stay in town for a few days in case she decides to come back.




I stayed at my apartment for a week but I inevitably had to go home, even my parents could tell something was up with me but I refuse to divulge it, that was one month and a few weeks ago, and now I am on my way to my first class in the University of Edinburgh, I had arrived a few weeks ago, spent the last weeks settling in and saying final goodbyes to my friends and Jose.

I stepped into class and my eyes scanned around the room, the lecturer wasn't here yet, a few students were settled in, and some were in cliques while others sitting idly by themselves. I settled for a seat in the middle of the class by the window. I pulled out my phone and texted Eurell, it is a habit I picked up over time, although none of those texts were ever replied to.

"Hi, can I seat here?" a brown boy pointed at an empty seat beside me, he is probably Indian if his accent didn't give that away

I shrugged, "Sure"

He extended his hand, "Naren"

I took it and shook it lightly, "Brittney"

I resumed staring out the window, it was drizzling outside, the water drops falling rhythmically on the flower petals creating a pitter-patter beat, the water residue on the transparent window, racing down the pane.

The lecturer came in, pulling my gaze away from the window, I brought out my notepad and stared at the lecturer as he explained our semester syllabus, and although my gaze was solely on him rapid attention, my mind was anywhere but here.



Three classes after, I was tired and hungry. I still had a class left but I was on my way to lunch. The sweet aroma coming from a restaurant pulled me in as I stepped in, I ordered a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, I located an empty booth at a secluded corner, and I pulled out my planner to tick my to-do for today, I was so engrossed in the task that I didn't notice the two figures that slide into my booth taking a seat across me.

"Hi," the voice said breathlessly

I looked up to see Nathaniel and a girl, who was busy on her phone barely sparing me a glance.

"Hey?" I asked questioningly

He shifted in his seat nervously, "You remember me right?"

I nodded, "Nathaniel right?"

"Uhm, it is Naren actually"

"Cool" I nodded

I was too sad and guilty to be embarrassed about forgetting his name, to be honest, that was the last thing on my mind.

My food came and I immediately dug in, I finished my food in ten minutes and packed up my things making sure to leave the money for food on the table, I was about to put in my ear-pods when Naren's voice stopped me once again.

"You're leaving?"


"Oh, Ok. There is a small party tonight, do you want to come?"

"No," I said walking away not before hearing the girl beside him chuckle.



I ran a comb through my hair, plopped on my bed, and looked across the space that was now occupied, it wasn't this morning so I haven't even met my roommate, I was tired and sleepy but I had to write first, so I pulled out my beige diary and began journaling, it was something I picked up so now I was writing journals in form of letters, the recipient being Eurell not that I will ever send it.

19 September 2015

It is my first day in College, it wasn't what I expected. I envisioned you waking me up with kisses, but I could barely get up this morning. I envisioned us walking into school hand in hand, but the only thing I held today was my bag straps and my Styrofoam cup. I envisioned you giving me a small kiss as we part ways to our classes, but today I trudged sluggishly to my seat and kept quiet throughout the lecture-

My writing was interrupted when I heard the creaking of the door and the shuffling of feet, I looked up to see the same girl that accompanied Naren to my booth. My eyebrows automatically shot up, and she immediately mimicked my expression.

"Uhm I'm guessing you're the roommate" she finally said

I nodded my eyes still on her.

"Mira", she said moving to her side


She nodded and opened the closet probably to get dressed for the party.

"So you're not going to the party?" she asked as she pulled on a skirt

I wanted to reply with something smart and sarcastic but just settled with a 'No', she stopped talking probably sensing that I'm not in the mood for a conversation, and at that, I resumed my letter.

-this is probably my fault anyway, if I hadn't messed everything up then this wouldn't have happened, I don't regret my actions though, I believe it was the best option at that moment, I wanted to save you and I did, and I guess that's all that matters, and maybe, maybe if I keep saying that, I would be forced to believe it, to believe that it all happened for the best, but what I do know is that I miss you and I love you. And if I could turn back time I would do everything I can to save you, to save us.

Always yours,

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