Chapter 4

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6 years earlier...

"Hi, can I get a room?" I huffed out as I hugged my coat tighter to my body, it was really cold

"Yes Miss, welcome to Hillview hotel, do you have a preference, or would you like to go through our list?" the receptionist asked

"A regular one-bedroom is fine" I replied

I filled in the formalities and collected the key card, a guy led me to my room and asked if I would like to order room services. I declined and thanked him.

I plopped down and went to sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night crying, I think it just dawned on me what had happened in the last few hours. I'm sure it has happened to you once or twice in your life, maybe it is a sad or happy moment, but it doesn't sink immediately. It is like getting into Harvard, it may be until you are attending your first class, that you will realize that 'Wow I'm really in Harvard', the only difference being I wasn't all smiling.

I cried, I cried for losing a family I never considered as one, I cried for the news about me that was leaked, I cried that I lost to Andrew, I cried that Brittney betrayed me and broke my heart, just when I began to open up to her, just when I said 'I love you', I cried about my lack of direction for my life, I cried for losing my mom during childbirth, I cried till I was incapable of producing tears.

After an hour of crying, I just stared out the window, I was hungry but I didn't want to eat. I stayed by the window till morning before I finally gave in and ordered some food. I ate my food and crawled back under the comforter, my thought racing.

First off, I don't have shelter, I couldn't possibly stay in a hotel for long, and school was no longer on my agenda mostly because I didn't want to run into Brittney since we would be attending the same school, and also because I wasn't in the right mental state to attend school and I desperately needed a change of scenery. Another issue was my mother, ever since I found out about it, I wanted to know more but the only person that could give me any information was my father, and if I had a chance of getting anything out of him, that chance has been diminished. Except if I could get into his office, I am hundred percent sure I would get some information.

Amidst my thoughts I drifted off, luckily I didn't wake up to cry in the middle of the night. The next morning I was a bit normal, trying to get myself out of self-pity. I proceeded to book myself a flight back home, the earliest flight was by 11:30 pm, so I still had time. I went through my bank details, and as suspected my account was already blocked, thanks to my backup account and years of life savings and stealing from my father, I had about $31,000 in my savings, so money wasn't a problem for now.

I packed my bags, took a much-needed shower, and went to sleep.

By 10 pm I checked out of the hotel and headed to the airport, I had texted Jose that I would be heading outta town, and I busied myself by listening to the NF playlist I had on my phone while waiting for my flight. It was a bit delayed but eventually came, I slept through the whole ride and when we arrived I booked the nearest hotel for the night.




I woke up by noon the next day, I didn't waste any time and immediately got to work. I had to sneak into my father's office, I could easily sneak into the office but I couldn't easily sneak into the house, especially with the ongoing scandal, the security will be twice as thick, and there is no getting into the house from the front door.

However, I had a brilliant plan, and the first step to succeeding is heading to the Walmart closest to my house. Just as suspected my step-mom's Mitsubishi Montero was sitting in the parking lot. I had to wait for her to finish shopping so I could get into the car. Not an hour later, she stepped out, I quickly hid, and she opened the trunk and put in the groceries, I couldn't get into the trunk because then if she wants to get the groceries back at the house she will notice, so the only option is the back seat. I ran to the left side of the door and pulled but it refused to budge, same with the right side. So I had to climb in through the passenger, I reclined the seat and crawled in to avoid her from noticing me, I straightened the seat and gently shut the door, I cramped myself behind the seat on the car mat, I couldn't afford to sit on the seats, I held my breath as she climbed in, the engine purred to life before she drove out of the lot.




I was wrong, I was really wrong, the security is ten times thick. I wonder how she left the house without one. I couldn't leave the car for fear of being seen, so I had to stay put till dawn because the security didn't relent even in the night until 4:32 am when most of them were dosed off, I had opened the right door before she exited earlier so I got out from there. I looked around to see if the coast was clear, then I headed to the back of the building. Just as expected metal pipes were leaning on the wall, it wasn't long enough to reach the top floor, but enough to get me into a room so it will have to do. I made sure it was sturdy enough, before placing my legs on the little screws that popped it was tasking, to say the least, but desperate times for desperate measures.

I climbed into the closest window, it was the kitchen. I quickly left because anytime from now the cook will come in to make breakfast, I stealthily climbed the stairs heading to the office. I stopped at the giant wooden door, as usual, it was locked, but since I knew the password combination I quickly punched it in, I stepped in, and everything was just as I remembered, rows of shelves and the strong smell of books and Brut. I wasted no time looking around, the picture he was looking at the other day was sitting on the desk.

I took it and I could feel my heart skip a bit, my mother was really beautiful, she had brown shoulder length curly hair and calm light brown eyes. I sighed as I caressed the picture, I quickly snapped out of it and proceeded to look for information. I combed the office all to no avail, I was about to give up when I spotted a box-like object in the corner, it was covered by an expensive rug. I uncovered the box, to reveal a chest, it was fastened close with a little padlock, I was running out of time so I broke the padlock. I scanned through the chest and behold there it was, love letters that had been exchanged over the years, pictures and photo albums of the two lovers, then there was a document that contained her personal information, it stated she was Italian, and her full name was Ramirez Alessia. There was also a picture of her and a group of people, which I was guessing was her family if the acute resemblance between her and an older woman didn't give it away.

I couldn't take the documents or else Father would figure something is amiss so I made my way to the photocopier and made numerous copies, by this time it was already 5:12 am, and I had to get out of there ASAP, I placed the originals back but my emotions made me take an original picture of her, I shut the chest and hung the padlock, It was broken but I left it like that, he probably wouldn't suspect if nothing significant was missing, I covered it with the rug and exited the office.

Just as I stepped out, a group of guards were about to leave the building, probably done with their shift so I slipped into their car trunk and when I felt we were out of the vicinity, I opened the trunk with the wooden ruler I had used to prevent the trunk from closing totally, and when we slowed down I rolled out of the car with a grunt.

I sat on the empty road as I stared ahead.

Next stop, Italy.

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