Chapter 6: Gardening and Trials

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"How do I know you're being honest? Everyone thinks your lying!" I told the man in front of me with tears in my eyes.

"Just believe me Annabeth! I'm telling the truth. I promise." He said softly.

Sally put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head. "No. I can't trust you. I'm sorry Luke." I said, walking away as the guards took him back to the dungeon to rot.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. Why was I dreaming about that? It doesn't make any sense. The poison thing was a few days ago. Luke was still in the dungeon. We hadn't done the trial yet. And now, because of that dream I was nervous to be at the trial. I might have to forfeit.

"Good we were just about to walk you up our- Are you ok Annabeth?" Taraji asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Yeah, you ok? You can tell us if something's wrong." Katie said, matching Taraji's expression.

I wiped my tears. "I'm fine, just a bad dream." I told them and they nodded, still looking concerned.

"Anyways, get up! Time to get you ready. We let you sleep in a little." Katie said, making a getting up motion before getting stuff out of the drawers.

I got up, groaning a little bit. Taraji dragged me to the vanity. Sighing, I sat down. Katie pushed me up and put on my dress. It was a light blue dress with blue fading to white flowers on it. Then I put on fuzzy white boots with matching white gloves. I put on green jewel earrings and a green jewel necklaces.

Taraji pushed me onto the seat and started doing my hair into a cool looking braid with white roses that were set down on the vanity. Then Katie started doing yellow makeup on me with yellow butterfly clips. Once they were done and altogether it was absolutely beautiful.

I hugged the girls tightly. "Thank you girls! I absolutely love it. It's amazing."

They giggled. "Of course Annabeth!" Katie smiled.

"Yeah! I mean it is our job." Taraji laughed.

"I guess that is true." I smiled

Katie looked at the time and her eyes widened. I rose an eyebrow and Taraji matched my expression. Katie pushed me towards the door.

"You gotta go! It's time for breakfast." She hurriedly said.

I walked to the dinning room to eat. For some reason I had already memorized the way to it from my room here. I heard someone behind me so I turned around and saw Thaila. She smiled and I followed suit.

"I love your outfit." I said, complimenting her.

"Same Annie! Yours is amazing." She teased.

I groaned in annoyance. "You know I hate that nickname." I told my best friend.

She laughed. "I'm just joking. But I do love your outfit. It's cute. I love the floral." She complimented.

We continued walking to the dinning hall and started eating. I decided on French toast today. With strawberries and blueberries on top with syrup.

I smiled. "Do you know why everyone's dresses are floral exactly?"

Thaila smirked. "I can't believe I know something and you don't! But it's because we're gardening today." She groaned.

I patted her back. "It'll be ok Thaila. Gardening isn't that bad." I told the black haired girl.

"Well to me it is!" She huffed in annoyance.

"Why do you hate it so much?" I asked.

"Because I get so dirty! I hated doing it once so I'll hate doing it again." She groaned.

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