Chapter 8 - Dream Boy

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'If you're gonna love me, make sure that you do it right'

The two boys had just left the Grab-n-Go, where Bruce took Vance to get slushies, and were now walking somewhere unbeknownst to Vance.
"So..." The blonde boy started "You gonna tell me where we're going now?" He took a sip of of icy blueberry drink.
"Nope." Bruce slightly looked down at Vance and smiled his closed mouth smile. Vance scoffed and rolled his eyes in fake annoyance.

Once the pair had been walking for what felt like hours (it didn't really, vance is just a big baby) they had finally arrived to where Bruce was taking them.

It was a field. Filled with flowers, all kinds, and a lake opposite to where the two boys were standing.

"Here we are!" Bruce said
"Wow..." Vance took it all in. He'd never admit it, but the blonde boy adored flowers and all things nature "How often do you come here?"
"Just when I need to think, or just to be alone. So a lot I guess" Bruce laughed lightly. He started walking towards the dock on the lake. Vance followed.

It was about six in the afternoon and the sun was setting, the sky showing an array of pinks and blues and purples.

"You know..." Bruce started "You're not how I thought you'd be"
"What?" Vance laughed "Mean and scary?"
"Well you're still very much mean, just not so much scary" Bruce joked "No, but seriously, I'm glad we met, even if this is an 'unusual' friendship" Bruce looked down into the water.

The boys sat there for what seemed like hours, and turns out it was. When Bruce checked his phone he almost fell in the lake.
"Shit!" He said "It's 9:30 I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" He shot up from his spot on the dock "Shit shit shit the walk home is way too long to come up with an excuse. Shit!"
"Hey, man, chill, it's okay you're gonna be fine" Vance tried to calm him down
"Vance no it's not! My parents are going to actually kill me! It's bad enough i'm hanging out with the town delinquent now i'm missing curfew to hang out with him!"
"Who cares what your parents think?"
"I do, Vance! They don't want me hanging out with someone like you! Someone who could ruin my life!"
There was a moment of silence.
"What?" Vance said after an eternity of the pair staring at each other
"Wait no Vance I didn't mean it like that I swear, i'm just stressed I've never-" Bruce was breathing hard, out of breath from yelling and stressing.
"No, save it Yamada. I'm going home." He started to walk away
"Vance! Vance please!" Bruce wanted to go after him, but he couldn't.

'Of course' Vance thought to himself 'Why would I be stupid enough to fall for Bruce 'Golden Boy' Yamada?'
(491 words)
oops 😇
i was gonna make them kiss this chapter but i'm not that nice

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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