Story time

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IM NOT DEAD sorry that I haven't posted again you guys have to thank my best friend
JaydenBaker7  also I think I used the Word I too much in the first paragraph
Before I could say anything I woke up. I looked around and I realized I was in the owl lady's house and laying in bed but before I could get up and leave I heard someone talking nearby so I pretended to be asleep.

"Luz I know you want her to stay but we already have a lot of people to feed in this house, plus a house demon." " But she could help us a lot around the house Eda!!" "Plus don't you want to get your palismen at school Luz?" When they passed by I grabbed my bag that had been on a chair next to the bed.

I ran out of their as fast as I could dodging the worm tube thing, I stopped and realized that I needed to go to the library as soon as possible to pick up Rose and Zack from story time and somehow I didn't see the Golden Guard on the way to the library.

" Zack.....Rose sorry I got lost in a good book and forgot the time" I tried saying out of breathe. The girl who I think is Amity came up to me " Look, I'm not sure if these kids are you siblings or children, but you need to be here on time to pick them up okay? She said in a somewhat annoyed way.

As we were walking out Zack stopped me and said "So what book where you reading y/n?" Zack asked me  "I was reading.....umm Azura?" Zack had a face that said ( your lying 😑)" I thought you didn't like Azura" Rose said with a confused expression.

"Yeah I thought that I should give the book a chance, I mean you shouldn't Judge a book by its cover" I said proudly " But n/n isn't that what you did when we told—" she suddenly stopped talking to look at something or someone.

The Golden Guard

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